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I JUST got my lucid converters, and I totally tricked out my computer in preparation for the incorporation of pro audio. I haven't set up my AD9624 yet, but I did setup my DA9624 (via optical S/PDIF from my RMEhammerfall digi9652). Anyway, when I first hooked up my DA9624 directly to my KRKV8's, aside from being WAYYYYY too loud (that's another issue), I noticed that the majority of the sound was coming from the left speaker. Not a huge majority, but more than from the right speaker.

Anyway, I also noticed that when I turn the ouput volume knob on the lucid DA9624 way way down until you can barely hear anything, there's a point where it will only play in the left speaker. What's up with this? Has anyone else had this problem? Is my DA converter faulty? Being that I just got this, I'm still rifling through the manuals, but so far I can't find anything about this. Please help.

PS. I have the same problem when I go through the headphone out of the DA9624, and I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't hearing things, so I switched the XLR outs of the LUCID converter (changing which left or right KRK speaker they went to), and the same problem was going on, only obviously in the other speaker this time.


anonymous Sun, 04/21/2002 - 06:56

Turn down your output source in the computer,the controls on the da are working properly if it is too loud when both left and right channels kick in,then you will need another monitor control for your signal.You can just set the output of the da to a relative 0db on your other monitor control.When left and right kick in you should be at about 45db with the V8's.

teddancin Sun, 04/21/2002 - 13:14

But that doesn't explain why it does the same thing with headphones that I plug directly into my DA converter, and the headphones don't have the volume problem that the speakers do because you're meant to plug the phones directly into the DA converter. But it's still lopsided. Also, being that my RME card is completely digital, wouldn't there be NO ouput volume level that you could set in the computer, cause it's all just 1's and 0's and the DA converter just reads it as such and sets the volume to whatever?

sjoko Sun, 04/21/2002 - 19:07

Very unusual for any Lucid DA or AD to have any problems at all, its some of the most reliable gear around.
It might be a problem with your card.
But, one easy way to test it is to take a digital out (from a CD player or keyboard perhaps?) of any kind S/PDIF, AES, ADAT and plug it direct into your DA, by-passing your computer. That will tell you if the fault is in the DA or elsewhere.
If the fault is in your system, run some tones to calibrate your system, which you should do with a new system anyway.
You can ask questions about the DA and AD at

teddancin Mon, 04/22/2002 - 04:16

Thanks for the helpful advice. I ran about 5 billion tests on the thing after reading your post. At the end, I think that there IS something wrong with my converter. One side just seems a little higher in volume than the other.

I couldn't find anything else to plug into the DA converter, so finally I noticed that my Plasystation2 of all things had an Optical out on it. WOW. Anyway, I have been just playing CD's through that thing and listening intently, and it seems like a small thing, but the sound is just a little off to me. I think I'm going to try to get another one over here just to A/B test the two and make sure I'm not insane. If they sound the same, then I'll just send the new one back, but if there is a difference, then I know I just got a lemon. Thanks for all your help. If you have any other suggestions, let me know, cause I'm just going to do more tests until I get the other one.

PS. I was bummed to find out that I couldn't connect my monitors directly to my DA converter because the signal was so loud that it nearly killed my monitors. Is there any way to lower the volume of the output signal externally before they go into my monitor speakers other than running them through a mixer wich might color my sound? Thanks for the help.

Bob Mould Tue, 04/23/2002 - 03:59

dont know if this apply to the lucid, but your problem is known one on the digi001.

quote from a digi support on the DUC

"This is a common situation with a lot of pots, and can be especially apparent at the very bottom (quiet) end of the volume rotation. As Jeff posted above, the pots on Mackie analog mixers behave the same way. The solution is to gain stage your system so that you are operating in the "sweet spot" of the pot between about 9 and 3 o'clock. This is pretty easy to accomplish on the main volume, but understandably may be difficult if you are using low impedance headphones. Here's a more technical note from our manufacturing group;

"The two components in question are dual rotational potentiometers with values of 10K ohms ("Gains") and 20K ohms ("Headphones" and "Vol") . Acceptable tolerances on this part allow for a possible difference of up to100 ohms between stereo paths. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to match the left and right channels exactly for the full travel of the potentiometer, and still maintain a price that is affordable for our customers. There is typically more variation at the extreme low end with these type of components.";f=32;t=006399

good luck

Guest Tue, 04/23/2002 - 05:23

Sounds like you might have a broken unit... call the dealer where you got it and have them arrange to switch it out with one that isn't "broken"...(or at least it sounds like the 'output pot' may be dodgy... either way, the description sounds like the unit isn't "right" to me)

If the new one does the same thing, then the problem may be elsewhere.

Best of luck resolving your problem.

teddancin Tue, 04/23/2002 - 22:19

Yeah, Fletcher. The more I listen to it, the more I hear it. I REALLY don't think it's me, and I've played with the gain and "sweetspot" for days, wich helps, but doesn't remedy everything. You're the dealer I bought them from, and I e-mailed you last night (I think it was last night). My name is John. Please also answer my question about the Apogee AD16 in my e-mail to you. I'm thinking about grabbing that some time soon, and want to know what you think of it. Thanks so much.

Guest Wed, 04/24/2002 - 06:00

John, you'll probably get an answer from Samara... she's the 'digital girl wonder' in our joint. I know a shitload about analog stuff, but I'm still on a bit of a learning curve with the digital domain... which is why we have Samara on our staff.

She's installed several hundred DAW systems... she has all kinds of interconnect and converter issues down cold... things I'm just starting to learn about.

As for it being a funky unit, these things happen from time to time (our facilities for testing digital stuff aren't as comprehensive as our facilities for testing analog stuff)... when you talk to the office chances are pretty damn good that we'll just send you another unit, then issue a "call tag" for the defective one... unless there is some other way you want this handled... don't forget, when it comes to this kind of stuff, we work for you. You tell us what you want done, then we do it. It makes our life (and hopefully your life) easier that way.

Talk to ya soon.

teddancin Wed, 04/24/2002 - 23:06

Yeah, I'll say you work with me! Mercenary Audio's customer service kicks ass! I received a call earlier this morning from a really nice girl (I'm guessing it was Samara) and she couldn't have been more helpful about the whole situation. She's sending me a new one right away and I'll probably have it in a few days. I wish you had ALL the equipment that I'd ever want to buy (though you DO have a lot of it, hehe), cause the customer service rocks, AND the prices are great! Thanks again.

Bob Olhsson Thu, 04/25/2002 - 18:27

Originally posted by Bob Mould:

quote from a digi support on the DUC

"The two components in question are dual rotational potentiometers with values of 10K ohms ("Gains") and 20K ohms ("Headphones" and "Vol") . Acceptable tolerances on this part allow for a possible difference of up to100 ohms between stereo paths. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to match the left and right channels exactly for the full travel of the potentiometer, and still maintain a price that is affordable for our customers.

There ARE ways to obtain excellent tracking and not break the bank. I'm pretty amazed they even posted that although I probably shouldn't be.

teddancin Mon, 04/29/2002 - 17:47

Well, just got my new DA9624 Lucid converter from MercenaryAudio (replacement). I really really think that my old converter was screwed up. I haven't A/B tested them yet, but the new one instantly sounds great to me. I can't tell a difference in the bass/high end on either channel like I could on my other one. It still kinda does that thing where you turn up the volume really slowly only one channel plays, then the other kicks in, but it does it on the reverse channels as the other one, and not as pronounced. Plus, when the other one kicks in, it sounds like it should, so no complaints here.

I'll A/B test them later tonight, so that way when they sound the same (I know that's going to be the case, damnit!) I'll know I was just being weird or something. Though I swear it's the converters.