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Sinnsyk plekter-teknikk. Få som er raskere enn Steve Morse med
plektret. Var det Kansas han var gitarist i tidligere? Husker ikke.
Han er, i motsetning til f.eks. Malmsteen, Vai m.flr. mere nøktern
i sin bruk av fuzz, og det er heller ikke vanskelig å høre en viss
tilknytning til country music...


anonymous Sun, 06/19/2005 - 16:08

hassan wrote: Sinnsyk plekter-teknikk. Få som er raskere enn Steve Morse med
plektret. Var det Kansas han var gitarist i tidligere? Husker ikke.
Han er, i motsetning til f.eks. Malmsteen, Vai m.flr. mere nøktern
i sin bruk av fuzz, og det er heller ikke vanskelig å høre en viss
tilknytning til country music...

The language is a bit visual, but here goes..

Insane picking-technique. There are few that play faster than Steve Morse. Wasn't he a guitarist for Kansas earlier on? I don't remember. He is, in contrast to i.e. Malmsteen, Vai etc., sober in his use of fuzz [as in distortion/overdrive/fuzz, you know - Me], and it's not hard to hear a connection to country music, even.

Tommy P. Fri, 06/24/2005 - 09:21

cleamon wrote: [quote=Big_D]

Wasn't he a guitarist for Kansas earlier on?

No, the Dixie Dregs

Actually, Steve was in Kansas at one time. I believe one of the earlier versions.

And don't forget his playing in Deep Purple, although, his influence was in mild conflict between the tribute aspect of that touring force, and his own style. I would more have liked one or the other: either a concerted tribute playing technique by Morse to Blackmore, or a Deep Purple that took a new direction under Morses great composing and producing talents.

The middle of the road is a bewildering place to play guitar from, and a waste of precious time.

Big_D Fri, 06/24/2005 - 13:59

cleamon wrote: [quote=Big_D]

Wasn't he a guitarist for Kansas earlier on?

No, the Dixie Dregs

Actually, Steve was in Kansas at one time. I believe one of the earlier versions.

Really, I must have missed that. It must have been sometime between the Dregs and Deep Purple because I have all of the early stuff from Kansas (70's) and he's not on any of it. Maybe it was on their 80's stuff? I'll have to check but thanks for the info.

And don't forget his playing in Deep Purple, although, his influence was in mild conflict between the tribute aspect of that touring force, and his own style. I would more have liked one or the other: either a concerted tribute playing technique by Morse to Blackmore, or a Deep Purple that took a new direction under Morses great composing and producing talents.

The middle of the road is a bewildering place to play guitar from, and a waste of precious time.

I couldn't agree more Tommy! That's why I like his Dregs stuff the best, no compromise just flat out playing. He really had some great compositions with them but I guess not everyone likes that form of music or it would have sold better.

CoyoteTrax Fri, 06/24/2005 - 14:35

Steve Morse is one of the most amazing guitarists I've seen live. He has blazing technique interjected with feeling in ways that few people can acheive. If you've ever seen John Petrucci perform live, he's kinda like a John Petrucci. Just insane.

I was lucky enough to see him in Spain in like '86 or so when he was on tour with what the USO was calling the 101st Rock and Roll Airborne Division with original members of Kansas, Doobie Bros., and Pablo Cruise.

He's like a godfather of perfect technique and innovation.