Is there any reason why my noise floor would differ while speaking vs when just recording the tone of the room?
My recorded noise floor seems to be lower when speaking; -85 and higher when I just sample the "tone" of the room, it's at -60. Is that because my voice is blocking most of the noise floor?
Sorry if this question seems basic, total newbie at this.
Cheers! :)
signal masks noise.
signal masks noise.
It's not easy to be of help when you have said nothing about the
It's not easy to be of help when you have said nothing about the room in which you are recording, the equipment you are using or the method by which you are determining the noise floor.
Check that you do not have AGC (automatic gain control) turned on somewhere in your signal chain and that you are not using any other form of compression.
I want to add to Boswell’s question. What are you trying to achi
I want to add to Boswell’s question. What are you trying to achieve?. Do you want the room noise?. If not, use a gate to eliminate all noise and go from there. If you want a true recording, with room and voice, use nothing in the chain other than mic, and make sure you just set the level of its input to desired level.