I've never heard one of these. Love the depth of the bass when it comes in. Looks like many of the videos I watched are using pick-ups however I would enjoy hearing examples of them being recorded with mics.
Here's local Piedmont/Delta picker Neil Harpe on a strange dual neck Stella he found when I was with him at the Wilmington (or Philly) guitar show. This was for video, so I wanted a more open view without mic stands everywhere. I found a nice lobe of sound coming off the bottom bout of this beastie. The guitar was quiet and slightly subdued, so I used one TLM 103 which can be seen as I pull back. I mixed with a little reverb, limiting and compression.
Here's local Piedmont/Delta…
Here's local Piedmont/Delta picker Neil Harpe on a strange dual neck Stella he found when I was with him at the Wilmington (or Philly) guitar show. This was for video, so I wanted a more open view without mic stands everywhere. I found a nice lobe of sound coming off the bottom bout of this beastie. The guitar was quiet and slightly subdued, so I used one TLM 103 which can be seen as I pull back. I mixed with a little reverb, limiting and compression.