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Using Behringer Composer Pro and MOTU 828 mk II.

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/13/2005 - 13:41

Hi ppl, this is my first post in here,
I have read a bunch of threads, and seens a very smart and nice forum for me ;)

I have using for some years, Cubase SX and some plugins
(waves, URS and TCeletronics)

I really havent a lot of pro hardware equip.:

a Composer Pro Behringer MDX 2200
a MOTU 828 mk II
a Digitech Studio S100
a Mackie CFX 12
And Alesis Microverb 4
AKG 3000C mic
and other cheap ones

My question is:

can i have a decent compression using Composer Pro
More than Waves plugins?

How can i use that in a multrack song (my MOTU has about 8
or 10 outs)

Any tips will be very welcomed!


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A decent compressor plugin is going to beat a crappy cheap hardware compressor almost always. About the only exception is the FMR RNC, but I have heard it doesn't really sound any better than a decent plugin. Just handy to have if you need compression outside-of-the-box. The ART Pro VLA supposedly has some good flavor for a cheapy.

Fri, 10/14/2005 - 07:01 Permalink
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Anybody who spends valuable time and risks facing the latency monster all to get "that Behringer sound" on tape will, in fact, fellate another man willingly and with vigor.

Then again, you gotta give the little homo credit for "thinking outside the box" (pun intended). a dbx compressor. A 266 maybe if you want cheap, try for a 160 if you got a little more cash. These are nice items that don't cost much. Then we'll walk you through plugging it in to use it as a mixdown unit.


Fri, 10/14/2005 - 10:41 Permalink
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All is not lost, Sty, my son.

There is an excellent (if not redundant) use for the Composer you happen to posess (other than for use as a bludgeoning tool). Find a couple of spare aux sends or outs from the MOTU, and connect them to the ins of the Composer. Set it up for HEAVY ass compression, and leave it running all the time. Watch your clients/friends/pets marvel at the awesome display of a lightshow that little silver box can throw out while the tunez are streaming along. Remember NOT to connect the outs of the Composer to anything though. That would very much ruin the experience.

All kidding aside, the older Composers were actually pretty decent kit (for the price). However, we're talking ancient Composers here, like back in the stone age when ADAT's were king among the weary, the unwanted and the worn wasted weavers of music of the day. They look mighty cool as well.

Fri, 10/14/2005 - 11:26 Permalink
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ded4now wrote:

All kidding aside, the older Composers were actually pretty decent kit (for the price). However, we're talking ancient Composers here, like back in the stone age when ADAT's were king among the weary, the unwanted and the worn wasted weavers of music of the day. They look mighty cool as well.

Unfortunately, the ones of that vintage (of which I own an example) are built to some fucked up scale and they are a royal with cheese in the ass to rackmount. They stick out too far forward, the front panel is thicker than my eyeglasses and they're EXACTLY 19" wide, maybe plus a millimeter or something. Pain in the urethrea to mount I tell you.


Fri, 10/14/2005 - 12:47 Permalink
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The plugin compressors that come with even the free-est of freeware will sound so much nicer than a behringer..
I once was forced to use a composer, when I was mixing a tv program in a Russian truck, and the only way of limiting my mix was with a behringer..
I saw the gain reduction meter going crazy, 10,15 db or so, wich is actually what I sometimes would do with a Urei or whatever...Anyway, I was thinking; wow!! These behringers sound goooood! I heard no compression whatsoever!..Turned out the limiter wasnt inserted, and I had to listen to the tapereturn of the mixer..So the viewers at home (it was the speedskating worldchamps) had been listening to total utter behringerHell for about 5 hours..
Wow, 10 db reduction on a composer sounds baaaaaaddd..

I'm not sure this story is relevant whatsoever..


Fri, 10/14/2005 - 15:13 Permalink