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I bought and downloaded the upgrade to Windows 8 but have yet to install it. I have it on my laptop and so far so good. Even without a touch monitor. I'm a little leery of installing it on my DAW though. Anyone taken the plunge yet?

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TheJackAttack Thu, 02/21/2013 - 18:29

Apparently Secure Boot can be disabled in most BIOS. It is required on all certified Windows 8 machines. I found two links that help describe the process.

[=""]Secure Boot - Enable or Disable in UEFI[/]="http://www.eightfor…"]Secure Boot - Enable or Disable in UEFI[/]

[[url=http://="http://www.eightfor…"]Secure Boot - Enable or Disable in UEFI - Page 2[/]="http://www.eightfor…"]Secure Boot - Enable or Disable in UEFI - Page 2[/]

Also, attempting to load an OS to an SSD is an utter pain in the ass and prone to failure. I recommend loading the OS onto a SATA drive and then cloning that drive onto the SSD.

TheJackAttack Thu, 02/21/2013 - 18:34

Here is a description of uEFI which apparently replaces legacy BIOS on new motherboards.

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://blogs.msdn.c…"]Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs[/]="http://blogs.msdn.c…"]Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs[/]

OEMs are free to choose how to enable this support and can further customize the parameters as described above in an effort to deliver unique value propositions to their customers.

This last bit may not bode well for Remy. My recommendation at that point would be to clone the factory hard drive and then try to run the Win 7 disc from the running Win8 environment.

TheJackAttack Thu, 02/21/2013 - 18:36

And I also found this:
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.sevenfor…"]UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) - Install Windows 7 with - Windows 7 Support Forums[/]="http://www.sevenfor…"]UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) - Install Windows 7 with - Windows 7 Support Forums[/]

It states specifically that Win7 32bit will NOT function or load in a uEFI environment so to revert to Windows 7 Remy will have to have a 64 bit oem version.

RemyRAD Fri, 02/22/2013 - 19:29

That's the strange thing, I purchased an OEM 64-bit version of Windows 7 Pro? And you know how I badger people about their inept stupidity. That's where I feel like I'm with this. I feel it must be some kind of operator error on my part? After all these kinds of things usually are. So I'm beating myself like a dead horse out of stupidity. I mean this machine should still be able to load windows XP Pro, 32-bit when I select to install a legacy operating system in the bios. And it begins the boot and load procedure and then crashes in the midst of the early part of the load? And the Hewlett-Packard technical support refuses or is incapable of indicating the procedures needed to load an alternate operating system to anything but Windows 8. And that's screams MONOPOLY even worse to me. They know there are tons of Linux servers out in the world and they simply want to Monopolize again. I'm actually an acquaintance of a former Marine Corps Col., in charge of communications who subsequently also had a law degree. And he also works for the Department Of Justice and was one of the first of the federal prosecuting attorneys to bring Microsoft up on MONOPOLY charges. And he said they have no current way to win their suit against Microsoft other than a few rulings. Of which it appears with Windows 8, they are at it again? These computers and servers are being designed to only run a certified Microsoft operating system. Of course, they made a concession for a Fedora Linux load... probably because they had to to avert further MONOPOLY, charges? As expressed to me by the info from the federal DOJ attorney retired USMC Col.

This Gentleman Colonel/lawyer, devout Methodist, in charge of communications of the 91 Iraq war, was the first member of the US Armed Forces to put in for medals for his " combat women " service personnel. Now as you know, the US does not allow (at that time) women in infantry combat. But many of his communication personnel were women. And he had to send them up to the front lines in Humvee's. Where he told me that they had been ambushed and along with their male comrades picked up their M-16's returning fire. But the Marine Corps only issued medals to the male personnel. This made this Colonel/Lawyer very mad. So he reissued the paperwork for commendation medals for these women, using only their first initial of their first name. And they received their medals for being at the front line of combat. So the Colonel is one of us. Not just a lawyer. Not just a communications guy. But an engineer that knows how to think out of the box and get what he wants, what he knows to be right and just. And there isn't an app for that.

Private First Schmuck Remy Ann David reporting for Doobie SIR!

RemyRAD Fri, 02/22/2013 - 21:07

Yeah, thanks. In many ways this does not look good. In other ways, I was custom ordering this same machine from HP with Windows 7, 64-bit Pro. I wasn't interested in the thumb print security option. I was going to go for the high razz 1280 x 1080P display. With the additional SATA kit. And I would have cloned the stock 5400 RPM Windows 7 loaded system drive, to a 120 or 240 GB SSD system drive. Adding a 1 TB, 7200 RPM capture drive also within this notebook.

My local computer store Micro Center which I have been dealing with for quite some years, had this on sale for $900, down from $1000, which I got for $800. It was supplied with Windows 8 and I was told no problem putting in a fresh drive and loading Windows 7 onto it. And then one has to go through a different procedure to obtain the Windows 7 drivers for this particular third-generation, i 7, 2.4 GHz, quad core with hyperthreading and 16 GB of RAM. And at about the same cost hat I ordered the machine from HP and this way, I also was able to get Windows 8 for free where I spent $150 for the Windows 7, 64 bit Pro OEM disc. Which amazes me since this machine had originally been released with Windows 7. No wonder they do not want to supply you with technical support or information on loading Windows 7 on this machine? And that's because the machine will not do all that is capable of doing, with its whatever built in features it has, perhaps due to some change in the chipsets on this later released machine? Indicating again, MONOPOLY at work. I could however upgrade the machine from the OEM Windows 8, to Windows 8 Pro. I'm just not educated enough to know if there is any kind of actual benefit there for a solo user? Special useful features that allow rollback to 7? Then Windows 8 Pro would be a worthy upgrade, I guess LOL??? And since I figured there is likely to be a tablet somewhere in my not-too-distant future, it would be helpful to get my head around Windows 8 touch sensitive operating system. Even if I don't have a touch sensitive screen.

With all this information that everyone has so graciously and helpfully pointed me towards, Windows 7 may in fact not be an option on this particular " Monopolized ", machine? And since other folks here have indicated they have taken the plunge and in fact Windows 8 actually still works, it's just something I'll have to get used to I guess? Just like I've had to get used to consoles I haven't been crazy about using. Nothing is possible for me to not comprehend except for myself LOL. So it's good to know it's not necessarily anything I'm doing wrong. It's what Microsoft is doing wrong to the world, greedy, disgusting sons of bitches. It's a ruthless MONOPOLY. And with him also owning a fair share of Apple, they've got us right where they want us. Subservient slaves to their lowering of the bar.

VE has waves of making you our puppets. Dance little puppet dance good for ze fräulein. Ya Goot. Dance! Schnell! No no! Classic Schnell!

I'm quivering in my registry
Mx. Remy Ann David

hueseph Fri, 02/22/2013 - 22:12

I don't know if this is the right answer but it's worth a shot. You should be able to disable Secure Boot in UEFI. Mind you you mentioned legacy mode which seems to indicate that you are looking at a BIOS type interface at boot, which also means that Secure Boot has already been disabled? I'm confused.

RemyRAD Sat, 02/23/2013 - 00:42

Yes, I know I noticed. One is the bios and the other is the EFI thingy. I think I'm going to get there? They just want to test me. I mean that is half of our jobs as engineers and that's keeping up. He gets a little harder as you get older. The disc cache gets filled up over the years. And I'm still talking Scully's and how to keep them going over there on a Yahoo group daily.

I know I've seen this episode before on Twilight Zone or was that The Outer Limits? Maybe Science Fiction Theater? No. Wait! It was at the Scully factory 1979/80! North of Philadelphia... at the Outer limits.

No wonder I have to smoke this stuff? I keep time jumping. And I need something to keep me focused.
Mx. Remy Ann David


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