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i've got a question regarding the Sebatron line of tube-mic preamps . are they coloring only in extreme settings or are they doing that all the time? would i be able to use them in a neutral setting for classical recordings or would you rather recommend to get a different mic preamp for that application? is there a "transparent" setting?

thanks a lot in advance...

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MadGuitrst Wed, 03/01/2006 - 19:10

I agree with Zemlin, although I don't do choral recordings.

The Sebatron is an interesting design. The pads are useful for more than what we are mostly used to pads doing. They effect the amount of phatness to the preamp. Using it wide open the preamp is really huge sounding. Switching to -15 db cleans it up nicely, but it is still a nice round harshness at all. At -30 db it is really clean but you may have to run the gain all the way up and/or daisy chain two channels.

There's where things get really interesting. You can do quite a lot with these preamps.

I don't know anyone who [urchased one who didn't really like it.....or love it. Very good preamps from a great company with extremely great customer service.


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