I'm looking for some good drum sample CDs, preferably stored in .wav file formats. I saw the Ross Garfield Drums 1 and 2 (Drum Doctors, I think) sample discs mentioned a long long time ago but I can't find the post and the search function is pretty much useless (no offense.) Mixerman might have mentioned the Bob Clearmountain...that was a long time ago too. I have Drumagog available but don't use it all that much. One of their GOG CDs might be a good idea but I'd like to have the option of blending different samples together in addition to the original.
Music styles I deal with are mainly hard rock, hardcore, punk, and get's into some pop rock, classic rock, and country/folk
Any suggestions (links, price, format, etc) are greatly appreciated!
I personally like the M-Audio "Session Drummer" series.
I personally like the M-Audio "Session Drummer" series.