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CD Architect and PLEXTOR and Taiyo Yuden and stupid

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/22/2008 - 15:57

Here's what it's like to be stupid.

I have some discs to make for some friends. So I ask around and what's the best burner, and people said "Plextor". I ask around what's the best discs and people say Taiyo Yuden. What's the best CD maker, CD Architect.

So I buy all this stuff and it turns out that CD Architect doesn't recognize the PLEXTOR PX800A which isn't even a PLEXTOR product after all, and the TY discs aren't on the recommended media list for the drive and might not even be compatible.

My whole life is like this.

I've printed other TY discs with this drive in this machine so I think that end of it works, but is there a secret to making CD Architect and the PLEXTOR work together?

PS there is no new PX-800a firmware.

PS I did what Sony said to do about flash drives.

PS Sony was no help. They sent a canned message telling me to update the software which did nothing. They provided no further replies.




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Thomas W. Bethel

Actually you have the best combination available.

Plextor Drive

Taiyo Yuden discs

CD Architect software

Somewhere something is not correct within your computer.

I would go to the Sony forum and search for "burner problems" I think you maybe missing some .dll or some other burning program is interfering with your burning. I would check/update the firmware in your Plextor drive as a start. Make sure you are not having communications problems with the drive (internal or external?) make sure the jumpers are correct if it is internal and if it is USB unplug and replug the drive to make sure that Windows recognizes the drive. See what other programs you have on your system that maybe for burning CDs and make sure they are not interfering with the burn process. I do know that Roxio sometimes takes control away from other programs and that NERO IN CD can be a problem for certain computers. You might want to look at this on the web

We are using exactly what you are using and have had NO problems burning CDs.

Best of luck!

Sun, 03/23/2008 - 05:45 Permalink
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Thomas W. Bethel

On some of the newer computers you have to use Cable Select instead of Master Slave for your hard drive and burner. This is something that I found out the hard way a couple of months back. I think something is basically messed up with your computer hardware and or software and would suggest checking out both the hardware and the software since the combination you have is working very well here.

Best of luck!

NOTE...I posted this same message about 30 minutes ago, it showed up on the forum and then the next time I checked was gone....Moderators please note. Thanks!

Mon, 03/24/2008 - 04:59 Permalink
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As well, if you put the Burner as a standalone drive on it's own IDE channel, that is assuming you've got it mounted internally, that sometimes will do the trick, dunno why, as long as you've got the jumpers set correctly. If not, you might try picking up an external enclosure and trying to run it through USB, just be sure to keep your receipts!

Mon, 03/24/2008 - 07:20 Permalink