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We use Digi 001 along with Pro Tools 5.01

Everything is working great for us except when we get a song finished and we bounce to disk the audio turns out very vey quiet.

I was wondering if this was because we have the tracks on our mix to quiet or what...I'm am out of ideas



Massive Mastering Fri, 02/11/2005 - 09:38

Unreleated chain of thoughts below...

Most mixes tend to seem quiet until mastered. It's nothing unusual.

Assuming we're talking about "normal" quiet here... Peaks at around -6 to -3dBfs, perhaps an RMS level around -20 or -22dBRMS...

If it's something other than that... Maybe post a clip?

Perhaps mix a -12dB 1K signal at the head or tail of the tune - Render the file and see if it's still at -12dB. If it's not, start looking for the culprit.