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RME vs. . Apogee vs. . Prism

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Is RME really as good as apogee?


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Ted Nightshade

The infamous RME vs. Apogee david and goliath review (readable still on the RME site) is based on rigorous testing of various specs. The author of the review concludes (he doesn't say whether or not he actually listened) that both boxes are of such a quality as to have no sound of their own, which I imagine would be disputed pretty heavily hereabouts. Nothing is that transparent.

For the money RME is the clear choice. I've heard of one guy replacing the lesser opamps in the RME with Burr-Browns and loving the results. I don't know if I have the guts to do that to mine.

I am happy to have the RME and it serves me well and sounds as good as I can make it, definitely the limiting factor is elsewhere, probably the "engineer". ;) :eek:

It sounds crystal clear and very dimensional, especially at 96khz. I'm pleased. I didn't know digital got this good.

Haven't done a direct comparison with the others you mention.


Sat, 03/09/2002 - 22:54 Permalink
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I think that someone sucked some dick to get that favorable RME vs Apogee review. I saw it, I read it, and I smelled poo.

By the way, I have the RME ADI-8 PRO converter and it's nice. Not as nice as my Lucid, but it's nice.

I don't like that it has 1/8th inch inputs. That sucks. Don't call equipment PRO if it has 1/8th inch inputs. Rah.

Mon, 03/11/2002 - 22:11 Permalink