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Hi, I am in the proccess of picking a good general mic for mainly vocals and some hand drums/djembe recording. I called guitar center and they were very quick to recommend the gt55 mic. I went to research the mic on the internet and found the guitar center name was in many of the same searches as "gt55". Then I find the mic is exclusively sold thru guitar center. So now I am left wondering how legit their advice is. . I'd really like to hear non-guitar center affiliated opinions. Anyone? For the price, will this mic suit me well for vocals and some hand drum recording?



Boswell Mon, 07/10/2006 - 03:53

Are you talking exclusively studio usage here, or mixed stage (performance) and studio?

For just studio use, the GT55 is a version of the GT57 FET microphone, but with fixed cardioid pattern, and sold in the US through the Guitar Center. It's an average mic, but not as flexible as the GT57.

I prefer the Rode NT2A over the GT55/57, and it's less money.

For stage work or mixed stage/studio, a dynamic is probably better for the usage you describe. Try the Shure Beta 58A for vocals, Beta 57A for drums and instruments or the Beyer Dynamic M88 as an all-rounder.

anonymous Mon, 07/10/2006 - 23:17

Thanks for the advice there, the mic will be for studio use. Boswell, your advice sounds good but what do you mean the rode is less money? From ebay searches I found the gt55 selling for around 150 and the lowest the rode sells for is about 400! Its hard to find info on the gt55 tho, that fact alone makes me reluctant to buy it.

anonymous Tue, 07/18/2006 - 19:23

I have learned to never ask Guitar Center questions. Period. Nothing but FUD to be had there.

1)Find the cheapest possible online price for whatever you need, print that out and bring it into your local Guitar Center.

2)Slam that piece of paper down on the counter and say, "Me want this. Match price. NOW!" If they don't match the price, RUN! And don't look back!

3)If they do match the price, odds are they won't have it in stock and they will have to order it for you. Order and pay for the item.

4)Then RUN out of the store before they have a chance to try and sell you some other piece of s*** gear they can't get rid of.

5)After you return to pick up your ordered item, repeat step 4.

6)Keep your receipt. Chances are you'll need it later.

TeddyG Thu, 07/20/2006 - 13:02

In defense of "dear ol' GC"?

I did have an "issue", a few weeks ago(Resolved, but stupid, GC "Credit card? Over the phone??? Duhhhh...???" issue.).

I called GC PRO, or whatever it is? Talked to the region rep. He was very helpful. Give yours a try during(Or, better, before) your next GC "issue".

One must remember that GC has alot of kids(Well-intentioned, but...) working for them and alot of kids(Who knows their intentions?) as customers... It can be hard to distinguish between someone "serious" and someone who is, ahh, not..? They also have alot of stuff that we might not be able to see otherwise..! And they do that "low price guarantee" thing pretty well... Try your locally owned store first, then, try giving your GC Pro person a call for advice - then - go pick it up at the store -- then --

"Run for your lives!!!"


Far as the mic advice goes, you DO have to start somewhere - I don't know the mic in question, but(Assuming it's a cheapie?), for the price we know it ain't nothing great, but like most mics "it'd work"? I'd recommend anyone, for any reason to start with an SM57, and learn it, and go on from there...... "Pushing" something OK, that's on the salesguy's "push list" shouldn't be condemned too much, I suppose. For true? You should have known what you wanted when you went in... NO salespersons advice needed...... Experience will help for your next choice of mic - even experience with a GT whatever..........

zemlin Thu, 07/20/2006 - 18:43

Studio Projects C3s were my second LDCs. Getting Multipattern mics was one of the BEST decisions I made. I didn't know it at the time, but figure-8 is a very versatile and powerful tool in many circumstances, and OMNI is often the golden ticket as well. A pair of multipattern mics can do a LOT!

If I were spending the same money now I'd get the Rode NT2As - I just picked up a pair of NT2000s and they are quite a bit nicer than the SPs. That said, I've made plenty of perfectly respectable (IMHO, and that of my clients) recordings with the SPs.

[[url=http://[/URL]="…"]Try this one[/]="…"]Try this one[/]

Singers in a circle around a pair of figure-8 C3s mixed MS - lead and beatbox on Oktava MK319s.

anonymous Mon, 08/14/2006 - 23:09

I've got a GT57. I really like it, actually. I've tried it on vocals and acoustic guitar so far, I haven't had the opportunity to do much else with it. But, I think it's an excellent mic. I got it for betweem 100 and 200 dollars off of retail price, I think. From guitar center.

The thing that I've found is that if you go in there and actually have a conversation with some of the guys, they're very cool, and they do know their stuff sometimes. Other times, of course, they have no idea what they're talking about. But, if you let them know that YOU know what you're talking about, they will back off a bit.

I've had some great experiences in there with prices. If I can't swing something, the guys that I go to will almost always knock it down to what I can afford. Albeit I could probably find it for that cheaper price online, but it's so much more satisfying to have some human interaction and walk out of the store with something that you bought for quite a bit less than what it was listed as.

I actually just got offered a job in the pro audio department last weekend. Don't have time for it (first semester of my Senior year in high school...) but it was still a pretty interesting experience. Sort of wish I could accept...

But, I suppose the topic at hand is their reliability with recommendations. I would do the research first, like roguescout suggested. If you know what you want, chances are you'll be pleased.

Definitely keep the reciept, though...