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I have a Shure SM57, SM58, PG 57, BG4.0 and an Audio-Technica ATM33a. If you were going to record a drum set with these microphones how would you do it? Thank you for your help!



anonymous Mon, 12/21/2009 - 20:32

I have a Profire 2626 as my recording interface. I am using Cubase 5. The drum set is a really nice Pearl 4-piece rock kit. I also would wonder what you would recommend for a smaller kit and a larger kit, though. The room is a small room that is actually pretty dead. I am probably going to be recording mostly rock bands but I play in straight ahead bop combos too so I would wonder what you would do for that.

Guitarfreak Mon, 12/21/2009 - 21:36

I'd use the dynamics for close miking and the condensers as OH/room mics. That's about as close as you can get to a "generic setup".

The only thing wrong with your particular setup is that you don't have duplicates of either of the condensers so using them as OH/room mics is going to be tough. If I were you, I would look into getting a duplicate of the ATM33a since it looks like the bg 4.0 is no longer being manufactured.

djmukilteo Mon, 12/21/2009 - 23:01

Here's some of Shure's recommendations from their Drum Kit microphone selection guide: And I'm not a Shure dealer or anything they just have a lot of info on mics and a nice technical library!

Maybe that will help....try it with what you have and switch them around until you get the best sound you can.....and have fun with it! You need more 57's! LOL

Kick Drum
Beta 52A
Beta 91
Beta 57A

Snare Drum
Beta 57A*
Beta 56A*

Rack/Floor Toms
Beta 98 D/S
Beta 57A*
Beta 56A*


BobRogers Tue, 12/22/2009 - 04:11

I think your first job is to experiment with the two condensers. Which one of them in which position would give the best overall sound of the kit. Try each directly over the kick, out front about 2-3 feet at cymbal level, etc. Then try them is the various asymmetric pair positions: recorderman and Glyns Johns. These both have one over directly over the snare pointed down and one over the floor tom pointed "across" the kit.

I'd then add what ever mics you have left as close mics. Snare top, kick, snare bottom (phase reversed), high hat. Choices of placement depend on the song and the drummer. The 57 for snare top is typical. Snare bottom and high hat can use a condenser if you went with a single overhead at the first stage.

Guitarfreak Tue, 12/22/2009 - 12:07

Davedog wrote: Gentlemen, I dont think there is a condenser in that list.

Why do you say that?

This page denotes the ATM33a as a condenser:

and the PDF downloaded from the Shure website denotes the BG 4.0 as a 'condenser instrument mic'.

Just out of curiosity though , why wouldn't you consider those two mics to be condensers?

Davedog Tue, 12/22/2009 - 16:59

My bad. Too much shopping....errr.....driving to the shopping....

I did learn something this year. You can clear the aisles pretty quickly with the Jason mask and a chainsaw..........

So to answer the question....the SM57 goes on the snare...The Sm58 goes in the kick drum and the ATM33 goes over the kit. The other two you sorta find a spot that sounds good while the drums are being played and put a mic there.

Guitarfreak Tue, 12/22/2009 - 20:12

Davedog wrote: So to answer the question....the SM57 goes on the snare...The Sm58 goes in the kick drum and the ATM33 goes over the kit. The other two you sorta find a spot that sounds good while the drums are being played and put a mic there.

My thoughts exactly. Although I would recommend getting a copy of the ATM33a so you start with a true stereo pair for the Overheads. Not that it matters that much, but when it comes time to mix the tracks together you will find it difficult to get a good stereo spread and good tone at the same time. You'll have to copy paste the single OH mic track and pan them, which won't result in as much stereo spread as you would hope for. To get a good stereo spread out of that situation you'd need to either EQ both to death in different ways, or delay one of them, both of which result in a bunch of phase cancellation and most likely the whole kit would sound weaker. Unless you leave the OH track alone and leave it single and panned center, then you get no stereo spread though. In the end it's all up to you, a good engineer can take a bad situation and turn it into a good one.

Kev Wed, 12/23/2009 - 12:19

yep to what Bob and Code said

but to add ,
depending on the musical parts
a spot mic on a hihat or low tom panned across can give the impression of a stereo kit
and highlight the verse chorus transition

Dave said
" sorta find a spot that sounds good while the drums are being played and put a mic there. "

no matter what you are recording
there is no harm in having a walk about and doing just that