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I'm trying to get ahold of some drum mics on a $200-300-ish budget... Any recommendations? I understand that just about anything that I get is going to be pretty low end, not to great, but then again, neither is my setup, and I'm just 16... working with band from my school on a demo, and some friends need stuff recorded to send off to colleges. How is the Shure PG kit? The four piece, I've already got a pair of decent overheards. Ideally, I would be able to somehow come across $500 and pick up the Beta 52 and a few 57's, but I don't have that kind of money. So, any advice/recommendations/aneCDotes about past use of a product is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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IIRs Fri, 12/23/2005 - 07:24

TheAngryFedora wrote: How is the Shure PG kit? The four piece, I've already got a pair of decent overheards.

I've only ever used the PG mics for live sound.. they're ok, but not great IMO. My advice would be: spend most of your budget on a [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]good kick mic[/]="…"]good kick mic[/] as (assuming the kit itself is reasonably good and properly tuned) you can often get a good kit sound with just kick and overheads. Then, when the budget allows, you can add close mics for the snare and toms.. these days you could probably pick up 3 or 4 cheap LDCs for the toms for less money than the same number of 57s!

bobbo Fri, 12/23/2005 - 10:26

go to your local guitarcenter, or even samash, and look at their used mics, every now and then they have a steal, i've picked up there a beta52 for only 90 bucks and i use it all the time, i like it better than my audix d6, and i also found a beta56 for 60 bucks, and i picked up an ev handheld mic (i forget the model number) that originally sold for 130 bucks, i got it used for 40 bucks.

so i'd go there first

anonymous Fri, 12/23/2005 - 11:59


Good mics will last you forever. They're something that's worth investing in, IF YOU HAVE THE $$. If you don't, you can rent SM57s, Beta52s, etc... from any local production company at a fraction of the cost of buying a cheap kit like the PG one. Put the money you saved away and save up for the real thing.

Reggie Fri, 12/23/2005 - 13:46

If renting is not feasible, then the key is to buy USED. A used set of decent mics is almost sure to be better than new crappy mics. They may smell a little funky or be a little scratched, but like you say, you are 16 and aren't looking to impress anyone with your shiny stuff. As long as they work OK.