anonymous 12 January 2010 If just getting into recording I've got a recording software I'm now in the search for a good mic but low on price. Any ideas ? Thanks Log in or register to post comments Tags budget Comments Depends on your defenition of low price. Most people will tell y Spase Tue, 01/12/2010 - 11:01 Depends on your defenition of low price. Most people will tell you the minimum you should get is a Shure SM57 or SM58. These are about $100. Log in or register to post comments
Depends on your defenition of low price. Most people will tell y Spase Tue, 01/12/2010 - 11:01 Depends on your defenition of low price. Most people will tell you the minimum you should get is a Shure SM57 or SM58. These are about $100. Log in or register to post comments
Depends on your defenition of low price. Most people will tell y
Depends on your defenition of low price. Most people will tell you the minimum you should get is a Shure SM57 or SM58. These are about $100.