Alrite so now i got a bit of money to spend i wanna buy the best vocal microphone i can afford and a good preamp these are ones i am thinking of:
and any one of these perfably £100 MAX
Also i will be using these to produce rap music vocals...
Thanks a BUNCH people!
What do you rekon of this then
What do you rekon of this then its a AKG C 2000 B
Bare in mind its not for a studio or any thing... Just for home use :D
Well, seeing as you are buget minded consider the folowing. The
Well, seeing as you are buget minded consider the folowing.
The Pre-amps:
Both the ART MP and the Behringer Mic200 are not great preamps
i've tried both and own the MIC200.
the Behringer Mic200 is very colored and gets really dirty if driven.
I still use my Mic200 sometimes on some applications like Guitar, organs, etc.
People say not so great things about Behringer and alot of them are true, maybe i got lucky with a good tube in mine. 8)
You might want to consider saving up a little and getting a GrooveTubes "The Brick", this is a very Solid Class A Tube Pre amp and you won't regret getting it.
The Mics:
As far as your list and under £100 ($122 US) that is tough.
You're not gonna get a great Mic for that kind of money.
I do own a pair of the MXL 990's which are OK. (they roll off on the upper highs) the 990's are pretty good for a buget Mic.
Another good buget Mic is the KEL Audio HM-1, this Mic is very flat responce, and has amazing Lows. it goes for $99 US
AKG and AudioTechnica make some solid Mics
(It would help to know what exactly the application(s) is/are, just vocals??)
Thats just one man's opinion.