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Microphone question

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Submitted by trumpetprod on Sat, 04/03/2010 - 16:00

I was wondering if I have 2 mics connected to my audio interface which is connected to my computer, can I also connect a mic directly into the computer's microphone jack and record all 3 mics onto the DAW (Cubase/Audacity) simultaneously? I ask this question because I haven't gotten my mics yet or else I would have tried it out.



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trumpetprod, post: 345213 wrote: Actually, I was not going to do it because I can, I was going to do it because I have no choice. Must I say more?

No offense meant, I am sure. Unfortunately the only way around situations like this is more channels of digital conversion, preferably identical so as to minimize/eliminate tonal differences between tracks.

Sun, 04/04/2010 - 11:48 Permalink