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Piano Micing

Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 01/11/2009 - 19:40

Hello From Akron (portage lakes area). Hey I am Micing A grand piano in a very small room the acustics suck, but cant be moved. I am going to use 2 sm58s close to the strings on each end and 2 ES973 Hypercardioid Condenser Microphones under the piano on the hardwood floor
its definatley budget I like the tightness of close Micing though. Going to pad the hell outta the room. I listen to other grands that have been miced in big rooms with very high-endmics and it just sounds week to me. its classical piano any thoughts



Rent another room, and some better mics (though I have to admit I'm not familiar with the ES973s). Even the best of the best will admit that piano is one of, if not THE most difficult to effectively mic. When this is the case, those ever-important factors such as quality of room sound, and quality of transducer become even MORE important. If the acoustics are bad, you won't get a good sound. If you deaden the room too badly, the piano can't breathe. It's kind of lose-lose. My $.02.


(Edit: misspelling of a word. i need to start proofreading....)

Tue, 01/13/2009 - 11:34 Permalink