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If you use lots of Microphones on sources, such as Drums. If you use two or more mics on a gtr cab. you record DI and a mic aon the cab for bass. If you Record Agtr & Vocal at the sme time with two mics.
If you do all of the above and you want maximum Bottem end and phase. here's a great way to get it: $550 $375

These boxes will let you adjust phase in the analog domain between 0 through/to 360 degrees. Example: Bass DI (being only an electronic only path) is 'faster' than the mic'd amp path...therefore there is always a little phase issue betweem the Di & the Mic. You can move the mic relative to the DI, Flip the phase (only in or out), but essentially a comprimise. The IBP lets you dial in the phase diff. exactly! Maximum bottom! I own two and wish I had more...better than EQ in a lot of situations.
Check 'em out.

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anonymous Mon, 06/30/2003 - 20:41

I have been eyeing those with lust. I'll take a rack of 4 to go please! :cool: After looking at the lit and reading feedback posted on other boards, I became curious as to why such a device has not already become a popular digital plug-in. Interestingly there are like zilch phase rotationplug-ins Ultrafunk used to have one. Maybe there is a good technical or sonic reason that this is better handled in the analog domain?

Guest Mon, 06/30/2003 - 20:57

my question is how could you have a variable rotation in phase? knowing that phase would be different based on the frequencies could you align say 300Hz and not mess up the phase of say 6Khz at the same time? just doesnt completely make sense to me. but then again ive been called a dumbass a few times in my life :D

anonymous Mon, 06/30/2003 - 22:50

yeah,scenaria,i asked a similar question on another forum (oops- are we allowed to imply the existence of other forums? :D )

Anyway, the web-site and some of the IBP proponents were insisting the process has nothing to do with time shifting. (This was in answer to the question: "why couldn't one accomplish the same thing by dragging tracks aroound in a DAW...") But i still don't understand, for what is phase if not time shifting?

Will be interesting (and great!) if someone here comes up with a more satisfactory answer. Especially one that a technical moron like myself could understand.

So, scenaria, want to start a "dumbass club"? We can be charter members!

anonymous Tue, 07/01/2003 - 09:55


I haven't used one, so I can't comment, but I've read the 'blurb and manual, and it reminded me of a discussion we had a while back....

(Dead Link Removed)

Has anyone any audio we can hear with/without the box?

I'm intrigued.....



"Oscillators don't, amplifiers do....."