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Out of the blue one of my 414`s has lost its recording level. I'm using a pair for drum OH`s I checked the pads, phantom power and everything seems to be adjusted as it should be. I even changed cables and tried different channels but, no difference. so i'm pretty sure it`s the mic. because I have to crank up the preamp gain much higher on the problem mic to get the same recording level as the other. this has never happened before! did I blow the capsule?. anybody have any comments?



John Stafford Wed, 01/19/2005 - 23:04

I had a similar problem with an AT 4047. The level dropped way down, but I also had rustling noises underneath, and strange oscillations. The biggest problem was the drop in level.

It turned out that the problem was condensation. I had used it on a close-up vocal session and then put it in a plastic bag without a dessicant. I know it's a long shot in your case, but you might like to try putting it somewhere dry and warm for a short while. I put mine a few feet above a radiator, but it's' important to make sure the rising air isn't significantly above about 30C. You don't want your diaphragms to sag!

John Stafford


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