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I'm hoping someone can help me for free or for fee. I'm in need of a MIDI environment for Logic that will enable my Souncraft 328XD to be used as a controller. I've tried multiple scenerios and I've finally given up. The environement on SOundcraft's website is for the old 328 and is a peice of crap.

I would greatly appreciate anyone's help here. My studio will be complete in a month or so and REALLY need to get this going. I'm willing to pay at this point for someone to create one and e-mail it to me. Please let me know!

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anonymous Mon, 04/04/2005 - 14:15

I would GREATLY appreciate your help! I've been so frustrated with this that I've been thinking of buying a Logic Control. Here's what I know about the 328XD.....

It sends volume, mute, and pan in one environment, but there are two other environments on their site. One is for sysex, the other for FX. I've tried them all with no success. You can find there here for reference:

I'm using Logic 7 Pro. Thanks again!!!

If you need any more info, e-mail me at

anonymous Tue, 04/05/2005 - 08:49

I'm figuring from the website, that the environments are made to record the mixers automation in your software, not to control logic..
I'm guessing, that to control logic, you can just send (in the environment) the midi input (the midiport where the 328mixers output goes into) to a midi splitter (that's an object you can create) and then the seperate outputs (1 to 16) to 16 audio channels, using 'cables'(view>show cables)..that way you're limited to controlling 16 channels though, as midi has only 16 channels..
there would have to be some way, on the 328mixer, to configure it as
simple midicontroller..
I'm not sure i can built this for you and mail it, as I'm using logic for pc..(5.5, and that's it for ever..damn those apple guys..)
