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When I built and installed my system about a year ago all the how-tos were saying to use standard pc.

However, I am now experiencing stutter audio and clicking when running Nuendo.

I have been told by some to switch to ACPI that it is a better bet.

I habe been told by others that my board is older and to not screw with ACPI.

Any thoughts pro/con the ACPI? Is there anyway to convert? Or do I need to reinstall? When I reinstall do I need to blow away & recreate all partitions or just the partition with the os on it?

Also, any things to check for the stutter audio?

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Opus2000 Tue, 08/26/2003 - 10:36

No, that board is ACPI compliant. Look in the power page of the BIOS and you should see power mode or boot up configuration to be APCI compliant!

At that point it's best to re install it as ACPI and not switch it over from one mode to the other!

ACPI is definitely better in the long run due to APM(Advanced Power Management) and the OS handling resources.

You can switch the modes by going into the device manager, expandind the computer listing there and updating the driver for ACPI!

Will you need to restart a couple of times since it needs to reload the drivers which are already embedded into the OS so you don't need to reload them from the CD for the product.


anonymous Tue, 08/26/2003 - 11:12

Yeah, I knew it was ACPI compliant it is just that I've heard that the 1st rev. or so of ACPI compliant boards didn't work so well. Apparently they assigned everything to IRCQ 9 or something?

Anway, you mentioned how to switch from Standard PC to ACPI. You also mentioned at the begining of the messsage not to switch between the two. Is it even worthwhile to switch it now? I don't have time to do a complete rebuild as I have sessions. Should I just do the driver switch and then do a rebuild next month when I have more free time?


anonymous Tue, 08/26/2003 - 16:58

I tried updating the driver but all it wants to let me do is StandardPC.

I went to Device Manager.
Clicked on Standard PC
Then clicked update driver.
I tried various things like, search, pick from list, and also search specific location.
It always just returns "Standard PC".
It is almost like it is searching for "Standard PC" drivers not alternatives to the driver.

anonymous Wed, 08/27/2003 - 22:41

Ok, so I couldn't get that to work so I just wiped the partition and re-installed. Seems to run smoother now. Having 24 irqs is cool. No more sharing!

I was installing the windows updates and I noticed that there is a new version of directX (9.0b end user runtime) should I install that?

Also, I downloaded the new bios and chipset drivers. Should I bother installing these?



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