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i am gonna order a ESP urban camo mII, already have a fender strat 60's model copy
and got line 6 pod xt but as i've come to know that amp modelers don't sound as original as the natural tone amps so i think i should have a good amp
the kind of tone i like, i don't know how to explain but sort of a modern hi gain to a very classical tone.
listen to a lot to Dream theatre,Steve Morse,Brett Garsed and many others, just to give an idea.

my price range is 500$

what if i buy a used amp but i assure you i can't test it as i would buy it from abroad like UK.a big problem for me, should i take the risk.



therecordingart Sat, 03/12/2005 - 16:05

Great guitar amps cost money....except for one that I've had in my studio! I had a 30 watt Vox combo amp (one 10 inch speaker) and that thing smoked! It had the strength of a 4x12, but without the obvious cab noise and thump. Especially for the type of music you are talking can squeeze a lot of gain out of them and the DSP effects in the amp don't sound cheesy. I believe the amp is $150.

Other than that....for the music you are talking about you probably would want an older Marshall tube head or maybe even like a JCM900. I've always liked Mesa Boogie a little more than Marshall, but either is out of your price range right now anyway.

Groff Mon, 03/14/2005 - 04:14

1. Nothing is better than miked real good amp. If you are serious about guitar sound, forget the POD.

2. Mostly, just one amp is not enough for all the sounds we need or like.

3. For the 500 $ this mission is almost impossible, but if you are luck enough....
Guitar players, you named, using expensive toys. No money, no deal, no sound. Sad but true.

4. Try with Peavey VH 5150 (combo 60w), Soldano Atomic or Astroverb (combo 20w, one of my best investment)

5. Do some researching on - reviews, opinions, etc.

6. Record with POD for now, save the money, be patient and soon or later you could buy the monster.

7. Never buy before try

Good luck