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I have a mic going into the moblie pre. THe mobile pre going into usb. Cubase 2.0 VST. Windows XP Home. I loaded the MAudio driver, the Mobile Pre up as the Recording device and my other sound card up as the playback. When I speak into the mic the lights come on so I am getting sound. How come there is no sound. I know I am just missing something simple, maybe someone can help!



pr0gr4m Fri, 07/29/2005 - 14:31

In Cubase you need to set your VST connections and enable your input.

Click on Devices/VST Connections. Select the input tab and click Add Bus. Select the input from your Mobil pre. Make sure the outputs are set up correctly too.

Now on a track in Cubase, add a track and select that newly created input as the input for the track.

Set the output for the track. Click on the little speaker icon in the channel/track. SCREAM into the mic. You should hear something.

BTW...all of this is covered in the manual. Manuals are a good thing. Read them. Read them again. Open them in Windows and let Microsoft Sam read them to you.


pr0gr4m Sat, 07/30/2005 - 01:06

Ahh yes... the ASIO drivers. Thems be the ones cubase likes.

Why on earth would you want to route your audio back out through your sound card and not through the mobile pre?

I have to assume that you would get better sound quality from the mobil pre. The only reason I can think of for you wanting to route the audio through the soundcard would be for having multi-channel mixes. Either that or you only have one set of speakers and don't want to switch them between the sound card and mobil pre.

At any rate, I don't think what you want can be done. To the best of my knowledge, Cubase only allows or recognizes one ASIO driver at a time. So you wouldn't be able to load one for the mobil pre and one for your sound card.


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