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Do you need hardware to run Pro Tools?



anonymous Sat, 10/29/2005 - 19:18

no. if your just doing mixing or mastering( uploading files into your PC)you can use PT just for that with no hardware...... if your recording you do need digidesign hardware as an interface, and you can also use M-audio products (M-Powered) to run with PT (so its either M-audio or digidesign to run with PT) but I believe the list of interfaces will go up in the next couple of months.

anonymous Sun, 10/30/2005 - 17:54

Caisson wrote: no. if your just doing mixing or mastering( uploading files into your PC)you can use PT just for that with no hardware...... if your recording you do need digidesign hardware as an interface, and you can also use M-audio products (M-Powered) to run with PT (so its either M-audio or digidesign to run with PT) but I believe the list of interfaces will go up in the next couple of months.

Is this something new? for as long as I've been using PT you've needed an interface just for it to open. I've always wanted to be able to use it for editing without an interface.LMK.

anonymous Mon, 10/31/2005 - 04:11

johnthemiracle wrote: pro tools software will not launch as long as there is no digidesign or maudio (depending on the software version) interface attached.

That's what I thought. Although PT Free for Mac OS9 opens without an interface. I hope one day they make a version of PT that'll open without one. Maybe with an ilok or something. There are times I want to edit on a laptop without lugging around an mbox.

anonymous Mon, 10/31/2005 - 21:50

Re: 3 options

hociman wrote: Your hardware-less options are Pro Tools FREE (v5) or Pro Tools Powermix for OS 8 (did this cost $?), or Pro Tools v3.4, the first free version of Pro Tools (OS 8).

Thanks. But they've come a long way since those versions. it just makes sense to have an edit only version of PT. Especially for film work.


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