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i've seen people on here bashing people because there suspected of having cracked software, lol...have you used it?
i have to admit i have...and whats the problem with it? the same as the original, dont bash me, lol...answer the question.
cracked software: NUENDO. sorry

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Codemonkey Mon, 01/05/2009 - 19:47

Quick thought: is there a need to lock topics just because they're getting a bit out of hand? Look at all the other open topics that have got off track.

Every community I've joined online has been full of fascist moderators with jittery fingers on the lock/kick/ban trigger. (Not all of them, but enough).
The exception to that is RO. I've yet to see a stupid act of "moderation" which has gone too far.

Because a topic is a bit controversial or about a touchy subject, doesn't warrant a lock IMO.

BTW - yes, I'm a hypocrite. I'm being completely pompous by saying that right now, my PC is clean of non-free (or paid for) software. My last PC was also clean. Before that I had cracks for so much stuff.

How about I go steal some famous painting? A bag of rubber bands? How about I go steal some software?

Just because it isn't tangible or of obvious value doesn't mean you can steal it. A bunch of programmers (who get a lot of stress) created that software, just like someone painted the Mona Lisa or workers in a factory made a bag of rubber bands.

To the original post:
"i've seen people on here bashing people because there suspected of having cracked software, lol"
Probably with damn good reason. If the person has bought it legit, then all they need to do is say they did. If they lie, well, it's their choice.

"...have you used it???"
Yes, I have. I enjoyed the spyware that flooded my computer as well. And the lack of being able to update and fix bugs without having to redownload a 200MB file.

"i have to admit i have...and whats the problem with it???"
Bugs, non-latest version, cracks install all sorts of spyware. Oh, and it's illegal in just about any modern culture.

" the same as the original,"
No it doesn't. The original doesn't steal your personal information and relay it to the internet.

"dont bash me, lol"

"...answer the question."
Don't tell me what to do.

"cracked software: NUENDO......sorry"
I made a porno about your mother and put it online, sorry.
What the hell does that mean? Being sorry usually means you want to not repeat the mistake.

Dunno why I bothered with this though, this picture come to mind.
[[url=http://[/URL]=""]link[/]=""]link[/] because including the image would be violating terms of use/laws.

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 20:18

People will accept you stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family, but pretty much only if you're stealing a stale loaf from a Nazi. And only if you get caught too... None likes to think that you're capable of stealing and getting away with it.
You cannot choose to not participate in the capitalism yet still have cake. Or cakewalk or Cubase or anything that costs money. You're a pig then, eating from the same trough as all the other pigs but without paying for it.
Why don't you use the free ware stuff, test out free ware and write reports on how people can get around the pork barrel and into the meat. Host some freeware, do something constructive instead of just being a leech. Everyone knows what happens to leeches, they get burnt and salted and squished. A conscientious objector gets the Community Chest card with Advance to Go, Collect $200. But they need a conscience. Most people find it more rewarding to get a job.

anonymous Mon, 01/05/2009 - 20:34

Codemonkey wrote: Quick thought: is there a need to lock topics just because they're getting a bit out of hand? Look at all the other open topics that have got off track.

Every community I've joined online has been full of fascist moderators with jittery fingers on the lock/kick/ban trigger. (Not all of them, but enough).
The exception to that is RO. I've yet to see a stupid act of "moderation" which has gone too far.

Because a topic is a bit controversial or about a touchy subject, doesn't warrant a lock IMO.

BTW - yes, I'm a hypocrite. I'm being completely pompous by saying that right now, my PC is clean of non-free (or paid for) software. My last PC was also clean. Before that I had cracks for so much stuff.

How about I go steal some famous painting? A bag of rubber bands? How about I go steal some software?

Just because it isn't tangible or of obvious value doesn't mean you can steal it. A bunch of programmers (who get a lot of stress) created that software, just like someone painted the Mona Lisa or workers in a factory made a bag of rubber bands.

To the original post:
"i've seen people on here bashing people because there suspected of having cracked software, lol"
Probably with damn good reason. If the person has bought it legit, then all they need to do is say they did. If they lie, well, it's their choice.

"...have you used it???"
Yes, I have. I enjoyed the spyware that flooded my computer as well. And the lack of being able to update and fix bugs without having to redownload a 200MB file.

"i have to admit i have...and whats the problem with it???"
Bugs, non-latest version, cracks install all sorts of spyware. Oh, and it's illegal in just about any modern culture.

" the same as the original,"
No it doesn't. The original doesn't steal your personal information and relay it to the internet.

"dont bash me, lol"

"...answer the question."
Don't tell me what to do.

"cracked software: NUENDO......sorry"
I made a porno about your mother and put it online, sorry.
What the hell does that mean? Being sorry usually means you want to not repeat the mistake.

Dunno why I bothered with this though, this picture come to mind.
[[url=http://[/URL]=""]link[/]=""]link[/] because including the image would be violating terms of use/laws.

lol Classic and poignant. :P

BDM Mon, 01/05/2009 - 22:41

ahhh, a confessional thread!
bless me, Stevie Ray Vaughan, for i have sinned! i *allegedly* used a cracked guitar rig, felt horrible, hated myself, loved the program, BOUGHT the program, learned another continuing lesson on integrity.
hail Mary J Blige.
what REALLY bothers me is this 'lol' business. what the hell is so funny? are we all so dense that we can no longer recognize humor unless there is a 'lol' to instruct us? and don't get me started on smiley faces... (no offense intended to users of smilies...)
though, the smarmy OP took 'lol' to an even lower level of slimy, passive-aggressive hostility...

fourone3 Tue, 01/06/2009 - 09:21

fourone3 wrote:

like i ment ...hardware/not the same as software

Really? That's your rationale? I tell you what. Walk into your favorite pro audio store (preferably where you've spent thousands of dollars on your equipment), walk over to the software, pick it up and walk out the door.

Blue, you're getting upset that no one is directly answering your question, yet you haven't responded to my statement. I'm eager to know your tough decision on putting a boxed version of the software in your coat and walking out the door of a pro audio dealer.

hueseph, we can always report him via Last I knew, Waves was cracking down by literally visiting the studios. If Blue has Nuendo cracked, he's bound to have Waves cracked.

The developers of the software aren't the only people who suffer from piracy. I don't believe anyone has mentioned how piracy affects dealers and distributors. End users also get the shaft when companies make it extremely difficult to authorize the software (i.e. previous versions of Waves). I personally dislike having to jump through hoops and wait (sometimes hours) to authorize software in which I've paid.

Way to stimulate the economy!

Cucco Tue, 01/06/2009 - 13:13

Y'all Doods need to let up on tihs guy! Uzing Kracked software is perfectly legit. I mean, why would they sell it for so much if they weren't expekting it to get cracked, you know?

I think all yu foolz out there that BUY your software are clouns. I mean, why waist your money on that kinda stuff when you could be bying dope mikerophones like some bangin CAD or NAdY stuff.

Now, seriously, you little twit -
Stealing software IS the same as stealing hardware. I don't care if YOU'RE the one who hacked it/cracked it/pirated it or not. It doesn't matter. The fact is, it took someone a LOT of effort and money to develop that software and for you to take it is NO DIFFERENT than taking a car right off the dealer's lot without paying for it.

Now, hopefully you're just here for a rise and to get some attention because I PROMISE you, I will be having the FBI investigate you. You see, for the past 6 years, I've been supporting the Intelligence Community (FBI, CIA, NSA and others that you've NOT heard of). I'm currently working on Quantico - you know, where those Marines and those FBI guys all pal around. I WILL be walking your IP address and any other information I can find on you over the Cyber Crimes division headquaters just down the street from my office. My friend is one of the primary investigators (SAIC - Special Agent In Charge) and can track you down in mere moments.

So far, I've gotten nearly $20K in rewards for turning scum like you in and in ALL cases where piracy was found, arrests were made and fines/jail time were levied.

If you think I'm joking, try me. Oh wait, it's too late.

You see, I look at it this way - our economy is quite fragile right now. For people to be stealing ANYTHING that affects an American business or even friendly coalition partners', I consider it to be an act of terrorism - that is, an intentional act which knowingly affects the commerce and trade within this country. Call me a Boy Scout if you'd like, but damnit, I'm deadly serious.

Scum like you are the reason why the music industry is hurting. Scum like you are the reason that mom and pop record stores couldn't hold it together and were replaced by Wal-Mart. Scum like you are the ones tearing down the moral fiber of this country and damnit, you make me ill.

So, if you truly believe that stealing software isn't the same as stealing bread, cars or money, come back here and say so. If not, I would STRONGLY suggest that you come clean and admit that you were merely trying to get some attention and get a rise out of people.

I'm NOT kidding. You do NOT want to push me on this one!

MadMax Tue, 01/06/2009 - 16:23



The hacks, crakz and warez pirates are an insidious growing PITA and proof of the moral corruption which too many enjoy and engage in... both here in the states and abroad.

Makes me wonder if these ignernt tard's wouldn't be the first in line to sue the pants offa' someone who used their beats/trax/lyrics/etc without properly paying for copyright usage... and not understand that no matter how you cut it... theft is theft.

I'll GLADLY call you a Boy Scout... and thank you for it! Call me one too, I'm proud to admit I wore the uniform as a young lad, and took my oath as seriously as I could.

It's bad enough when just an individual uses stolen property, but when it's a business, it rubs my ass cheeks raw. A business can easily depreciate the purchases of hardware and software so as to make the purchase a part of operating expenses or as part of capital expenditures... then too... I wonder if this dipshit is even operating as a legitimate business entity and paying the proper taxes to his state, county and local governments as all businesses are required to... including sales and use taxes, property taxes, unemployment taxes and general business license fees.

Nail this petulant little maggot if you can.

anonymous Tue, 01/06/2009 - 18:10

Hello all!
happy new years . Hope all is well

i had a pc with a cracked version of Nuendo 2 + WAVES DIAMOND and Reason & acid , oh and emagic logic the last 3 , i pirated.

up until a year ago i scrapped the pc for parts. got a new pc with a purchase of Cubase 4 and Native Instruments komplete4.

i had some nice tracks on my old pc . but i deleted them as well.

if i can do it you can do it. all night long.

anonymous Tue, 01/06/2009 - 20:34

Might be a bad time to ask something like this, since Cucco just scared me from even wanting to say another thing on this thread :shock: , but where could I find info on recording demos for people who may sell them at shows and such? I haven't yet, but plan on it in the near future. I would like to know if this counts as a buisness (its in my home). A little off topic, but since this thread has had such a wide audience, I might get some more answers

Thanks all.

RemyRAD Wed, 01/07/2009 - 00:02

I'll even go as far to tell you that when Cool Edit was shareware, you had your choice of never paying for it, $25 registration, $50 registration & a $100 registration. I liked his software so much, it was so valuable to me, I sent him my $100. Then I upgraded to Cool Edit Pro for a special price of just $100. Then I upgraded to Adobe Audition for an additional $100 special price. Then I upgraded again. The equipment in my control room is the same. If I don't want to purchase the software, sometimes I'll purchase a new piece of equipment that includes a limited edition. I however do object to certain program protection techniques that prevent me from running a piece of software on any of my numerous desktop workstations & laptop machines. But I still have paid for the use of that program. Not everybody uses USB keys. And since most of us are true professionals, you'd never want to be caught using or in possession of stolen property. You'd have to be some kind of horses ass, especially if you had invested over $100,000 in hardware. I have invested throughout my past towards my future.

Forward thinker
Ms. Remy Ann David

hueseph Wed, 01/07/2009 - 09:46

That laugh is going to smell like excrement when the knock on the door comes.

You may not be the only one who's done it but if you're making money from it, you are plenty accountable by law. Someone downloading songs may be hard to nail but a thief who's profiting from theft has a client base and some even post their clients on the internet! :lol: Now that is funny.

song4gabriel Wed, 01/07/2009 - 13:02

wow- oi didn't realize this guy is a total douche. bluepryntent- you are a total douche!!!!!!

making money on cracked software!?!?!?! WHAT a DICK

your utter lack of humility makes me secretly hope that you get nailed.

by the way- you have probably irked someone on this forum enough for them to find your studio address and report you. and if that person is reading my post- here's some help:

go to craigslist in his area-he's probably posting there too. put a big warning up in ALL CAPS that this guy is a thief.

oh-man- i just read his location on his prfile- "up yours" DAVEDOG, REMY-..CAN SOMEONE YANK THIS GUY OF RO!?!?!

anonymous Wed, 01/07/2009 - 13:10

oh my god, lol im lovin this..... half of you all cant even answer a question, you think you can find info on me, guys made the douche, i was cool til i seen how many hippocrates was on here

and a good place to find me would be on local radio
need more info

im here to ask and answer questions, your the nosey ones, "yank" me
for what cause i asked a question?, lol called fredom of speech homie

pr0gr4m Wed, 01/07/2009 - 16:21

Have I used cracked software? Yes.

Do I currently use cracked software? Yes...but it's just one program...I own Battery...bought and paid for. I recently built a new computer but for the life of me I can't find the install CD for Battery. So I logged on to my friendly neighborhood Bittorrent site and grabbed me a copy of the cracked version to use in place of the original. I still have the registration number for it and when I find the CD, I'll prolly re-install from that just to be on the safe side, programmatically.

Will I use cracked software in the future? I don't plan on it. Now there is so much free and demo stuff available, there's no need.

In the past I have used cracked versions of software for demo purposes and in 3 cases purchased the software. In all other cases, the software wasn't useful for me and as such removed.

I remember a couple years ago a bunch of people were having big problems with Waves. I think it was that they had to re-register after a crash or after installing into a new machine or something like that...or maybe it was for an upgrade. Anyway, as I remember it, the re-registration was a huge PITA and caused way too much down time so many of them were downloading and using the cracked version of Waves but continuing to hold on to their license of the program. I don't know if that makes what they were doing less illegal but from an operational standpoint it made things a lot easier.

And to fuel the fire, others "yanking" of you is them expressing their freedom of speech...homie.

Go to an automobile enthusiast forum and ask how many people there have rims that they've stolen off of other cars.

Several of the people responding to you are appalled by what you do. They make money using the very tools you claim to be stealing (and it is stealing no matter which way you look at it). They pay higher prices for what they use because you and people like you steal software. They are indirectly but personally and financially affected by your actions and the actions of others like you. Looking at it from that angle, you should be able to understand their anger and resentment.

You sir are doing what a criminal does and admitting it to the public. What response do you think you should be met with?

BDM Wed, 01/07/2009 - 21:50

though this thread is started by a cocky, semi-illiterate, two-bit criminal, i find it quite interesting the way the community has responded to it and examined the issue.
in this one life, though i have made more than my share of bad decisions, i'd like to think that i try to live with integrity and stand on the side of 'good'.
this punk reminds me of all the rappers that pollute the airwaves with misogynous, money/status-grubbing, violent, braggart garbage (i'm not bashing rap: i am sure Chuck D would agree). i hate it and its message that it's cool to be a hedonistic, mercenary thug. but the freedom to allow its expression only serves to reinforce my opposition to it.
let this clown spew his rubbish and expose himself for who he is:

jammster Wed, 01/07/2009 - 22:48

BDM wrote: though this thread is started by a cocky, semi-illiterate, two-bit criminal, i find it quite interesting the way the community has responded to it and examined the issue.
in this one life, though i have made more than my share of bad decisions, i'd like to think that i try to live with integrity and stand on the side of 'good'.
this punk reminds me of all the rappers that pollute the airwaves with misogynous, money/status-grubbing, violent, braggart garbage (i'm not bashing rap: i am sure Chuck D would agree). i hate it and its message that it's cool to be a hedonistic, mercenary thug. but the freedom to allow its expression only serves to reinforce my opposition to it.
let this clown spew his rubbish and expose himself for who he is:

BMD, very well said. Lets ignore him, that way he has no power on the forum.

anonymous Thu, 01/08/2009 - 08:21

jammster wrote: [quote=BDM]though this thread is started by a cocky, semi-illiterate, two-bit criminal, i find it quite interesting the way the community has responded to it and examined the issue.
in this one life, though i have made more than my share of bad decisions, i'd like to think that i try to live with integrity and stand on the side of 'good'.
this punk reminds me of all the rappers that pollute the airwaves with misogynous, money/status-grubbing, violent, braggart garbage (i'm not bashing rap: i am sure Chuck D would agree). i hate it and its message that it's cool to be a hedonistic, mercenary thug. but the freedom to allow its expression only serves to reinforce my opposition to it.
let this clown spew his rubbish and expose himself for who he is:

BMD, very well said. Lets ignore him, that way he has no power on the forum.

finally a wise man, 8-)

Calc Thu, 01/08/2009 - 09:40

English is my third language so I may be totally wrong, but there is something not quite right with your writing BlyepryntEnt.
Because from what I read, you are talking about using cracked software at a place whose sponsors sell hardware/software.

Please take the time to properly construct your sentences so that we may understand you better.



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