I put a picture of the Logic 8 mixer to show what I'm talking about. My buses are acting really weird and I didn't change anything. They just appeared like this. Usually when I send a track to a bus, it comes up as Bus 1, Bus 2, Etc. Now it is showing up as Bus 1-2, Bus 3-4, etc.
It also doesn't appear to be a stereo vs mono issue. but essentially, the signal from my tracks are not reaching their desired buses correctly at all. Could I have accidentally change a default setting by accident? Please help!
I Wish I just had $200 to upgrade to Logic 9 because 8 has been getting more and more buggy lately. Regardless does anyone have any solutions?
goalmaster14, post: 406688 wrote: I Wish I just had $200 to upg
I doubt Logic is getting worse by it self. You might have a hardware problem (memory, video card, hdd defective or too fragmented) or a software issue ; did you do some Windows updates lately, do you acces the internet with it ? (if so check for malware and virus) When I get to a point where my setup is stable and everything works, I unplug the network card and deactivate it. I also do an image of the HDD on a backup Drive. Since my data are on a seperate one and the vsti soundbanks are on another one. If I find my system is becoming instable again, i just plug back my backup drive and test it. It helps eliminate if I have a hardware or OS problem. In the end, do a surface scandisk, maybe a plugin on that bus is corrupted. Or remove them all and reinsert them one by one..
Logic is a Mac only program. I just found some anti virus softwa
Logic is a Mac only program. I just found some anti virus software and I'm scanning now. Hopefully this is the problem. Regardless, it's strange that Logic seems to be the only thing affected by it
I don't know how X is but past version of Logic are known to be
I don't know how X is but past version of Logic are known to be very buggy.
Cheers :)