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I'll be one to admitt, I like to lust over certain performance specs that most manufactures post on their products. The one that gets me is, products claiming to stand up to gear costing 5 times as much and performing just as well. A lot of this is very misleading. My question is, how can you tell who has a product that claims to deliver and stand up to the many top or highend companies controlling much of the market now-a-days. I understand Digidesign is very popular with their flagship program "pro-tools". I understand the cards are what cost the most. But many of us don't have the budget to own this kind of setup. Are there any other manufactures out there that don't boast their claim-to-fame but are rather considered jewels of the industry? Will going with a (native) program like Nuendo and an interface such as Apogees' Rosetta 800 or Logic Audio based around a Metric Halo 2882 interface work in place of a Pro-Tools setup? Many of us would say "yes". While on the other hand, some will say no "native has'nt gotten their yet". It's confusing. Then where do we stand now-a-days with Native technology compared to TDM?

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