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Difference between DAT and DDS Cartridge?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I do recordings on location to a 2-track Sony dat tape deck. I also work in the it business, where we use DDS (Digital Data Storage) tapes for system backups.

What is the difference between this two cartrigdes, Digital Audio Tapes (DAT) and DDS Tapes as mentioned above? Is there any difference in quality?

Both of them seems to work fine with my tape deck?

Thanks for comments!



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joe lambert

I think this is how it breaks down.

DDS format uses the same tape as you would use in a DAT machine. But the DDS format (machine) uses that tape for data backup. Not audio.

In 1989, Sony and Hewlett Packard defined the DDS format for data storage using DAT tape cartridges. Tapes conforming to the DDS format can be played by either DAT or DDS tape drives. However, DDS tape drives cannot play DAT tapes since they can't pick up the audio on the DAT tape.

Fri, 04/30/2004 - 20:10 Permalink
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Thank you Don!

You are absolutely right. I would never recommend to use DDS Cartridges instead of DAT. In another forum, I read from people who have made good experince. Last Sunday (yesterday), I did so and made very negative experience during a live recording session. The whole recording is unemployable. Funnily enough, the rehersal, also recorded to a DSS Cartridge (for test puposes) works fine



As Don wrote: Be safe. Spend the extra few bucks & record audio to DAT only!

Cheers, chris

Mon, 05/10/2004 - 01:39 Permalink
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Don Grossinger


Sorry you had to experience the misery of a bad master. I used to do a fair amount of live to 2 trk recording (on DAT) too. Tape machines can do "funny things".

2 related tips:

1) always rewind any tape based master all the way to the head before ejecting.

2) always record at least 1 minute of digital black at the head of any new master. That way if you follow rule #1, and a tape gets hung up, you will only lose blank tape & hopefully can save the program.



Mon, 05/10/2004 - 09:22 Permalink