Hey golden ears out there, I have a dilemma. When I am mixing down from Digi001 through an analog mixer, should I go to my Tascam DA30 MK2 or go back to the 001 converters. I really am not equipped to hear the difference in sound quality between the 2 converters. What do you guys suggest? :confused:
If your really concerned about which converters to use, then I w
If your really concerned about which converters to use, then I would rent or borrow the best I could get a hold of. But I think Kurt's point was to do a mix to each one then decide. I agree. Send both to the Mastering engineer for him to decide.
The Tascam is fixed at 16-bit even though it uses 18-bit converters. The Digi 001 is 24-bit correct? with newer generation of converters but that doesn't always mean they are better. Call the Mastering engineer and ask him which he would prefer. I'm guessing he would want the 24-bit data to work with over the 16-bit DAT tape.
Why are you doing that? (mixing through the Mackie?) IMO, you a
Why are you doing that? (mixing through the Mackie?) IMO, you are far better off mixing in the box, coming out of the 001
I don't know if I want to do that. I really can't get what I want inside the ProTools LE. I run out of cpu power really fast! (G4 733, lots of ram) As bad as Mackie is, I still like to touch and feel my mixes. I use outboard gear to add color and stuff. I can't get it with plugs. I do use some though, like UA1176, Pultec EQP1A, Faichild 660 ,Dverb. Plus stuff I do does not call for slick production.
Well maybe we should start another thread in the producers,engineers forum. :D Sorry for taking this space for mixing questions but I really wanted to hear Mastering engineers experience with either medium-001 -or- DAT
P.S Hey Kurt where did you get that puking graemlin? It's cool!!
I think you should try it both ways and listen to see which one
I think you should try it both ways and listen to see which one sounds best to you...
Can you come out of the 001 via the spdif or AES/EBU digital outs to the DA30? That would avoid any conversions at all and probably sound the best.