5 March 2009
I've encountered with some difficulties in Pro Tools crossfades issue. Somehow it's not activated and the window I/O error -36 just popped up everytime that I intended to do some crossfades. Really need you guys' help. Thanks.
I've tried on both MBP and MB but none of them work. :(
pmolsonmus wrote: ...a great source is the DUC - Digi user confe
pmolsonmus wrote: ...a great source is the DUC - Digi user conference - great stuff and lots of knowledgeable visitors
Yup. That should be your second stop. The first of course is the manual. There's also the DVD tutorial and the [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]Youtube[/]="…"]Youtube[/] examples.
Have you [[url=http://[/URL]="
Have you [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]trashed your prefs[/]="…"]trashed your prefs[/]?
Are you sure you're in wave view on the tracks you want to cross
Are you sure you're in wave view on the tracks you want to crossfade. Is the length of each file long enough to create the fade between the two files.
If those don't help, a great source is the DUC - Digi user conference - great stuff and lots of knowledgeable visitors