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Hi friends!
I have just talked to a big brazilian dealer/importer. I was mentioning the nice products of yours. It might be or not a very good deal.
I would really like to have the opportunity to test/purchase the nice products of yours
My email:

(Sorry Kurt if this is not the proper place to write this)



Kurt Foster Thu, 04/10/2003 - 10:38

ACB, It's fine... e-cue is the author of that review however, not the manufacturer. You want to address that inquirey to;
A Designs Audio.

You can contact Sebatron at;

You know the Sebatron is quite the bargian at $1495 (list) for the quad mic pre. That breaks down to less than $375 per channel for a very high quality tube mic pre. It is the perfect front end for Pro Tools at a budget price! I would be willing to say if you buy it, you won't be sorry. If I had a few more bucks to spend these days, (Thanks "Dubbya"!) I would even be willing to tell you if you didn't like it I would buy it from you. Really, you should just get a vmp - 4000. Once you have one, you will want three more (16 channels!!! :tu: :tu: ) Kurt

Kurt Foster Thu, 04/10/2003 - 13:51

you seem to like the sebatron a lot....
how would you compare it to something lika
UA 2108?

Dan, That's the understatement of the Mellinia! I love these things. I'm trying to figure out how I can avoid sending them back! I haven't yet had the chance to try the Universal Audio UA 2108, 6176 or the 2-610 yet but I do own some vintage UREI gear and in the past I had a LA2a. So I kind of have a handle on what the sound is like. I would venture a guess and say the Sebatron vmp - 4000 compares very favorably. I have put in a request to Universal Audio for some review pieces and I hope to do a review of them soon. I will keep you all posted .... Kurt

anonymous Fri, 04/11/2003 - 14:23

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:

you seem to like the sebatron a lot....
how would you compare it to something lika
UA 2108?

Dan, That's the understatement of the Mellinia! I love these things. I'm trying to figure out how I can avoid sending them back! I haven't yet had the chance to try the Universal Audio UA 2108, 6176 or the 2-610 yet but I do own some vintage UREI gear and in the past I had a LA2a. So I kind of have a handle on what the sound is like. I would venture a guess and say the Sebatron vmp - 4000 compares very favorably. I have put in a request to Universal Audio for some review pieces and I hope to do a review of them soon. I will keep you all posted .... Kurt


Kurt Foster Sun, 04/13/2003 - 12:21

Just wait until you record an acoustic guitar with the Sebatron! I swear to gawd... it sounds like your listening to the guitar right in front of you! I think this is the best pre ever! The only thing I don't get is why they are so inexpensive. I would expect these things to be going for $3000 to $5000! They probably would cost that much if you had to buy them from a dealer instead of getting them direct from Sebatron. Kurt

anonymous Mon, 04/14/2003 - 14:20

What a breath of fresh air !!!!
Seb, fortunately for us intending purchasers, has not used the current global obsession/feeding frenzy/mania with mic preamps to price his quality product out of the reach of lesser finacially endowed mortals. I applaud this man's integrity & ethics. In a culture where often "greed is good" is seen as the marketing strategy of many manufacturers this is a refreshing & encouraging change.
I not only like what is said about this man's product but I like his sense of humour & his humility as well.
Apart from the obvious when considering puchasing a product, the above , for me, counts a lot.
Excellent review Kurt.

Kurt Foster Mon, 04/14/2003 - 14:33

Thank You Tom!
I have been fortunate enough to have had a few personal notes from Sebatron and I have found him to be a very nice person. On top of that he, in my not so humble opinion, builds some of the finest pre amps I have ever come across. I have hopes for his speedy recovery and I also hope to get a review sample of the "Thorax".

I assume, (and I may be mistaken) that the affordable nature of these fine products are in part, the result of the direct marketing of them from manufacturer to audio pro. I am afraid that if these fine examples of audio bliss were sold at the local pro audio shops the cost would be in the order of twice as much! I strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase these audio products at this great price while they can. If ~Sebatron~ should ever decide to start wholesaling to dealers, these prices are going to evaporate! Get 'em while you can! Kurt

anonymous Wed, 04/16/2003 - 14:05

Hey Kurt,

Thanks for the review, it was very informative. I have been eyeing the Sebatron 4000e for a while now. In fact he was nice enough to contact me (2 months ago now, dang it) when he had a couple of demos for sale at a reduced price.

I record acoustic music, ie. bluegrass, folk, contemporary acoustic, etc. and was wondering how you thought this pre would work in that environment. I like a clean, clear, accurate, but not sterile pre. Some character from a pre would be fine as well, when needed. It sounds like the 4000e can be clean to slightly dirty, depending on how hard you drive it. I have also looked at the Phoenix Audio DRS-2 and the Great River pres (more expensive), which are supposed to be awesome, but have used neither.

For microphones, I am using a Soundelux U195 for vocals and guitar, Oktava MC012 for guitar and mandolin and have a new Josephson C42 that I am anxious to try out on these instruments as well.

I am currently using a Langevin Dual Vocal Combo as my only pre. Since I only have 2 channels of good pre, I was wondering what you thought about the idea of selling the DVC and getting the 4000e (4channels - yeah). I would love to keep the DVC, but finances do not allow it right now.

Have you tried the Phoenix and/or the Great River pieces? If how does the 4000e stack up.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Tim T


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