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Does anyone know what s/pdf means or what it is?

thanks a lot for your help


pr0gr4m Fri, 10/14/2005 - 17:34

SamTheBassist wrote: s/pdf

It's a new SUPER version of the pdf type of documents created by Adobe Acrobat. The main difference between the standard pdf and the s/pdf is editability. The new s/pdf allows you to edit the document regardless of what format it is, electronic, print out, fax, spoken word, whatever.

The big feature is Voice Command Editing (VCE). Simply read the data from your s/pdf document insert sentences, paragraphs, line breaks, punctuation, where ever you want. With VCE you can move data anywhere you want on the page simply by reading the way it should be.

Another new feature to the s/pdf is Visual Ordering. For example if your document has images, chart, graphs or what have you and you need to move theim around, simply look at them in the order that you want them to be in and Voila! It is done.

The s/pdf will soon replace the antiquated pdf, doc and even the good ole txt files. It's the wave of the future. Get out your wet suits!