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Timeworks Reverb X and Waves RVerb...

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 09:04

Just curios as to the impressions of both of theses reverbs. Anyone had experience with them both to be able to give a comparison?




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I use reverbs only for vocal.
I had RealVerb mmmm... a bit fuzzy, then Dreamverb: better, TC Powercore: not bad , then UAD's Plate 140 on try, much better, and now I am giving a try to MasterVerb from Waves, which sounds exceptional (always for voice, OK ?), and I'll probably buy it so good is the result and so easy is the use !!

Mon, 12/05/2005 - 05:01 Permalink
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I am neither a singer and I dont really play an instrument. I create electronic music and it doesnt require a whole plethora of playing ability especially with hip-hop, R & B or dance music. I use MIDI too but then all my MIDI tracks get recorded into actual audio clips and segments and then I mix all the audio tracks down. I record things dry and then add processing during mixing. Reverb can be used on anything (if needed). It creates space and depth to dry recordings. I hardly use it on vocals, and I feel if anyone needs to use it on all vocals then they may be doing something wrong. I think it is perhaps one of the most overused plugins next to compression. I hear people saying "Yeah I add a compressor to each individual track over 20 tracks..." and then they wonder why their CPU is choking up on them? :? But that is a whole other topic.

Wed, 12/07/2005 - 06:19 Permalink