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I am going to be mixing a project next week that will have around 24 tracks. The main plugs I want to use are some Wavesstuff, drumagog, brick wall, sonitus compressors, eqs, and reverb. I have been running reverb through an effects send and individually adjusting the effects bus on each track...but the compression will need to be on several individual tracks, and I have been putting a little on the entire mix. What are some suggestions on keeping my CPU usage at a minimum.

I am running MSI K8T-NEO2 with AMD 64 3000+, 1GB of Ram DDR400 dual channel, 120GB WD IDE driver 7200RPM...Sonar 4...Tascam fw-1884, and Behringer ADA8000 for inputs.



anonymous Thu, 08/11/2005 - 11:31

The freeze function is a temporary ( or permanent if you like ) bounce of any track with its plug ins. For example if you had a guitar track and you added chorus, delay & distortion plug ins, the freeze function overwrites the guitar track with all the fx mixed in.With a VSTi you can save Ram by freezing the track and then removing the VSTi. You are a left with an audio track that is much lighter on your system. If at any time you decide there is maybe too much distortion o your guitar track, you can unfreeze and edit before freezing again


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