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Hey guys...whats wrong...I'm trying to posta topic, but all that comes up when I submit is dots and quest. marks..and letters I typed...

[ August 26, 2003, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: Sen ]


Sebatron Wed, 08/27/2003 - 22:35

Yeah I built those a few years ago….between ’97 and ’99.
Only did a small run . they’re a predecessor to my vmp range,
…although the vmpc does contain a compressor component as well.

It’s an OK circuit , but not of the calibre of what I do now.

There are a few issues with that circuit Sen:

Unbalanced outputs.
Limited dynamic range ( no-where near the vmp series ).
Compressor circuit could have more compression range.

It will do the job though…..nice for bass.

I can easily hot-rod it for better performance.
Just PM me if you’re interested.