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Using Waves Linear Multiband Compressor (LinMB) during mastering.
All bands for compression.

I have a question about the "Range" function.

Lets say I have the range set to -2dB. This will allow only 2dB of gain reduction to be applied to the band in question. (or so I read)

Now does this mean that, while pulling down the threshold, that once 2dB of gain reduction has been reached, that any more of "pulling down the threshold to apply more compression" will be disabled, or have no effect, once the 2dB of gain reduction (set by "Range") has been reached?

Or put another way, a "Range" of -2dB for a given band, will only allow enough compression to get a -2dB of gain reduction, and the compression will cease at this point, even if you "pull down the threshold" more

From the manual:

In the LINMB, the concept of 'Range' and 'Threshold' comes in very handy. It
lets you first define the maximum amount of dynamic gain change using the
'Range' control, and then determine the level around which you want this gain
change to take place using the 'Threshold'.

Or does compression continue past the -2dB gain reduction, and more "pulling down the threshold to add more compression" will indeed add more compression?

I am basically after a compression ratio of 1.1:1 for mastering purposes.

Also from the manual:

High-level compression in C1. Ratio is 1.5:1, Threshold is -35. Equivalent
LINMB setting would have Range set to about -9dB, with Gain set to 0.
If you are interested in conventional compression (termed here 'high-level
compression' because the dynamics of the compression happens at high
levels), simply set the Threshold to high values, between -24dB and 0dB, and
the Range to a moderate negative value, between -3 and -9. In this way the
gain changes will take place at the upper part of input dynamics — just like a
normal compressor will do.





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