Your Avatar Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 06:55 Hello Has anybody experiences with these new plugins ? Are they worth ? Do they run under OSX 10.4.3 with Cubase SX3 latest. ? Thanks for comments about this Plugins Tags plugins vst waves ssl ssl 4000 Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar anonymous I don't know anything about the plugin myself, but if it's VST, I don't know anything about the plugin myself, but if it's VST, it most likely will work with Cubase. Log in or register to post comments Thu, 04/27/2006 - 12:19 Permalink
Your Avatar anonymous I don't know anything about the plugin myself, but if it's VST, I don't know anything about the plugin myself, but if it's VST, it most likely will work with Cubase. Log in or register to post comments Thu, 04/27/2006 - 12:19 Permalink
I don't know anything about the plugin myself, but if it's VST,
I don't know anything about the plugin myself, but if it's VST, it most likely will work with Cubase.