I would like to use my Yamaha mixer for playback from the digi 003. When i hook it up to the mixer I get sound from one channel only. When i hook the digi straight to the studio monitors I get full sound out of both channels. Can any one direct me how to hook up the digi to the mixer?
Digi out 1/2 to mixer channels 1/2 panned hard left and right? I
Digi out 1/2 to mixer channels 1/2 panned hard left and right? I'm not exactly sure why you would want to do this anyway, but.....
because i have all my other gear going into the mixer. Sometimes
because i have all my other gear going into the mixer. Sometimes i don't want to turn the pc on to create a track. Makes sense?
My keyboards and mpc are running into it. Clue me in if there is a better way..