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I just read another post on what people think of the ever versitle SM-57.

Just out of interest what Preamps are you Pros useing to get the best results out of the 57 and why?

Will you use different Pres for recording a guitar amp and then a Vocalist?

Do you ever choose your on board Pres vs your aresenal of gear?

And lastly, do you choose Tube or Solid State?

Peace & Dreams,

Mad John
Zythum Studios

"The present day Composer refuses to die!"
Edagar Varese - 1921


RecorderMan Tue, 01/22/2002 - 13:44

sm57-V72's all good. When doing OD's...sometimes you've used up all your "good" pre's,compressors,whatever; on pre-existing chains of gear that you have to keep coming back to during the OD's, and thus can't change. Usually it's at this point that necessity spurs creativity, and you'll have to use that sm57 (or some other mic you've never used because all your '57's are now used!) into an untried or lessthan desired pre,ect. USE YOUR EARS. A differrent mic position (a few inches -or feet- different), different gain strunsture,and there you have it...a new and cool sound.
Don't forget: all the great old records wre done on few tracks, with few mics...hardly the coice we now have. It's up to US...not our gear to make or break the sound.
That old triagle. Fast,Cheap or good...pick two.