How would you it?
I'm thinking about uing my two Tlm 103 in an Ortf xy at around the directors place and risen above him/her. perhaps add 2 side mics like 2 elation km201 condensers.I will use a Millennia quad preamp and a Tascam hr78 recorder.
Does anyone have any favorite setups when it comes to choirs? like A-B or M/S, decca trees?
Best regards / Toby
I like 2 omni's in a spaced pair. If you use cardiods you have t
I like 2 omni's in a spaced pair. If you use cardiods you have to manage proximity effect. IF the cardiods are too close you will not get a good ensemble sound. If they are too far they sound too thin (less bass as you move them away).
Many times the audience, conductor, stage etc dictate where mics can and can't go. You have to figure this in as well.
Thanks for all replies, each one teach one and you always seem t
Thanks for all replies, each one teach one and you always seem to get another view on the subject.
I picked up an Eq mag from 96 where Bruce Swedien
Says he usually put the choir in a circle 30 feet wide, so the singers are 15 feet from a coincident pair(And xy where the diapragms are as close as possible) set to Omni. (He used Neumann M49)
The choir is standing and the mics are some 4-5 feet high around the mouth hight.He them let the room and distance of the choir set the balance.
Used in Michael Jacksons "Man in the mirror" from Bad and "Will you be there" from Dangerous
Seems like a good techniqe i would like to try that fine day i lay my hands on soething like the M49:s.. or Mkh 800:s.. or, yeah yeah, keep dreaming.../Toby
This was just covered a few weeks ago. Try this link. Good luck
This was just covered a few weeks ago. Try this link. Good luck :)
(Dead Link Removed)