I have a Female R&B vocalist in the studio that say's she went to a studio that used an effect on her voice. She said it gave her voice a real dreamy effect. I haven't been able to hear anything she did but, she said she asked the studio what it was and they said they used a phaser.
I've used a Phase shifter but never on vocals.
Has anyone used a this type of effect on vocals or is there a different type phaser used for vocals?
Any info would be appreciated.
Yes, I've used just about anything you can think of on vocals.
Yes, I've used just about anything you can think of on vocals.
For a better effect on her vox I suggest chorus.
When in doubt, try it, see how it sounds, but just don't overwri
When in doubt, try it, see how it sounds, but just don't overwrite the recording :)
Chrous is no good. For reference you may check out "Killer Queen
Chrous is no good.
For reference you may check out "Killer Queen" by Queen which uses a similar vocal effect on the line "just like a laser beam".
Or, try Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Gimme Two Steps" which sounds like what you describe.
Well, in R&B it is probably a chorus maybe with some 'spacial' e
Well, in R&B it is probably a chorus maybe with some 'spacial' effects added- a delay and some slight 'detuning.'
filmmusic2008 wrote: Or, try Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Gimme Two Steps"
Is that the shortened version of the song? :lol:
TomF wrote: I haven't been able to hear anything she did... Wha
What, she doesn't have a tape, CD or MP3 of anything that was recorded at that other studio? :roll:
Phaser is cool, but it REALLY depends on the phaser. They've all got a different sound quality. I've got an old guitar pedal that I like on some things but it sounds completely different from the basic phaser plug in on my DAW.
How are you applying the phaser? Are you just running the main vocal track through a phaser? What sort of mix (dry/wet) are you setting it to?
100% wet, and running through 2 chained together. Just to give i
100% wet, and running through 2 chained together. Just to give it that phased phaser pheel.
On an insert as well, who needs the original signal anyway?
mwacoustic wrote: [quote=filmmusic2008]Or, try Lynyrd Skynyrd's
Is that the shortened version of the song? :lol:
I think it's been compressed! with a 2:3 ratio:lol:
filmmusic2008: "Chrous is no good" No, indeed it's not. Frankly
filmmusic2008: "Chrous is no good"
No, indeed it's not. Frankly it's useless. Chorus isn't too bad though.
HEY! Guys, let's cut filmmusic a little slack here... "Gimme TWO
HEY! Guys, let's cut filmmusic a little slack here...
"Gimme TWO Steps" is Skynyrds' DANCE version of that song 8-)
And the effect on the Queen song is FLANGING, which is technically ( and sonically) slightly different than phasing and chorusing. "Phasing" is the result of modulating a filter-some use a bandpass, others an allpass- to achieve the comb-filtering effect. "Flanging" (as well as chorusing) uses actual time delays that are modulated. And we all know about how that got it's name,now, don't we...?
Someone was ringing a very odd bell, but couldn't use the C butt
Someone was ringing a very odd bell, but couldn't use the C button on his typewriter?
Codemonkey wrote: When in doubt, try it, see how it sounds, but
That is so true!
I've tried it before and I've found that its more pleasing to the ears when it is more suddle of an effect. OR you could make her pull a Freddy Mercury and over dub the same vocal parts a few times to get a nice natural phase sound. That way, it sounds cool, and your musician gets a ton more credit for being able to pull it off.
I did this on a female singer once and it sounded pretty cool. I
I did this on a female singer once and it sounded pretty cool. I think I had doubled her vocal, and ran one with some eq and comp, and the other I put a different eq on and a phaser. Then I used mainly the "clean" vocal, but pulled up the phaser track in places to gives certain lines a little spacey feel.
Chorus is a great effect for vocals, as long as, like all other
Chorus is a great effect for vocals, as long as, like all other effects. I usually prefer to use pitch shift to generate a more subtle chorus. Use any decent pitch shift algorithm and put it on a send. Then, using the fine tune control, detune by a couple or three cents and feed in gently. Much cleaner than a full-on chorus.
It's also possible that they used an exciter. Try a few things and see what she says.