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I wonder if anyone here uses apair of these. The specs are pretty good, and I've come to trust AT. I asked about the carioid version before, but I haven't heard anything about this one.



JoeH Sat, 03/19/2005 - 23:49

I have a pair of them that I use for backup (as main-pair omni's) when my B&K (DPA) 4006's are in use elsewhere. I have been quite happy with them, they are close to (but of course not quite) the same as the 4006's. (Somewhat better than my old AKG 451's, but not as good as the B&Ks, if that makes any sense.)

If you're online at 3:00 p.m. EST Sunday, (Today, actually) click on and get their live feed. You can hear 'em in action for a broadcast we produced that will air at that time: "Jubilate!" - a 2 hr concert of choral & oratorio works recorded last week for the Academy of Vocal Arts, here in Phila. on Rittenhouse Square. (Sorry for the shameless plug, but I really did just happen to use the 4049's for the main pair over the orchestra, etc. and they do sound pretty good, IMHO. If you can get a fast enough stream for the audio, it should sound half-decent.)

John Stafford Sun, 03/20/2005 - 20:34

Damn! I've just logged on now so the concert is well over :cry:
Still, I'm glad you sent me the link -hardly a shameless plug when you're demonstrating the mics I was asking about!

I suppose it would be a bit much to expect them to be the same as mics costing four times the price, but it's good that they're at least on the same planet.

I appreciate you taking the time to post info on the broadcast, even though I missed it.



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