Hello, I currently run an Alesis HD24 using an A&H GL2400 Mixer and am looking to go to a digital mixer. I have been looking at the Yamaha O1V96 ver 2, and the Tascam DM3200. I really like the features of the Tascam and its ability to add a meter bridge. I am trying to figure out how well the HD24 will pair up with the DM3200. Anyone here running this combination?
I have heard there are sync issues, and that the DM3200 cannot control the transport properly on the HD24. Any truth to this? I have read this on various forums around the net and wasn't sure if the person writing it didn't fully understand the connections, or if there are indeed issues using these 2 pieces.
Anyone with experience using these 2 pieces together, would love to hear from you. I am trying to make a purchase very soon, and want to make the right choice.
Thank you,
Actually, I have a pair of Tascam DM24's and a pair of Hd24's. B
Actually, I have a pair of Tascam DM24's and a pair of Hd24's. BUY THE YAMAHA!!!!!
There have been many posts here regarding both of those digital mixers. Yamaha has their act together on digital mixers, Tascam is always playing "catch up". They tend to try to fix glitches
AFTER the product is on the market, Yamaha before. And notice that I said "try". Many things are left undone. I am a long-time user of Tascam stuff, but no more. And, FWIW, a freakin' meter bridge is NO way to judge a mixer...but you knew that already, I'm sure. Once again: Yamaha good, Tascam so-so.
I run an 01V96 and an HD24 in my mobile rig. They are a good mat
I run an 01V96 and an HD24 in my mobile rig. They are a good match. You'll need the MY16-AT expansion card for the 01V96. It's easy to set up the direct out of any 24 of the input channels to run via ADAT to the HD24, selecting pre-EQ, post-EQ or post-fader tap off positions.
You may also want to use 1 or 2 external 8-channel preamps with ADAT outputs to expand and improve on the 12 mic channels of the 01V96, although the internal preamps are not that bad.
You can also record 12 channels at 96KHz with this scheme.
In my opinion, it's not worth trying to use the machine control layer of the 01V96 for controlling the HD24. The LRC or BRC gives a better control surface and doesn't have you constantly layer-switching on the mixer. It may be possible to set up the 01V96 user buttons to give a rudimentary control, but I've never tried that.
Thanks for the replies. Other people tend to agree with you. I
Thanks for the replies. Other people tend to agree with you. I guess I will go with the Yamaha. I like the idea that it has a much smaller footprint, and I am trying to cut down on what I have to cary with me. I do alot of remote recording with the current setup and lug racks of compressors, and other outboard gear. Going digital will greatly help me reduce this, as well as eliminating all of the TRS cable snakes for the analog hookup.
I have been going back and forth between these two mixers for the past couple of weeks. I am ready to make the move and wanted to hear some other opinions. Thanks again.
Eff that, if you can find one (they stopped production), get a S
Eff that, if you can find one (they stopped production), get a Soundcraft 328XD. No extras to buy, use it right out of the box with 2 pair of TOSLINK I/O. Plus, fully assignable effects and dynamics, per channel. Not to mention the roadworthy name of Soundcraft!
Hi all I just want to follow on and expand slightly on the O1V
Hi all
I just want to follow on and expand slightly on the O1V and HD24.
I have inherited a recording studio project within a youth centre. Currently nothing has been put together but items (still boxed) where brought a couple of years ago. Two items are O1V and HD24. I recognise that a card is needed to connect the two things together using the optical. Boswell mentions the MY16-AT. This has tow sets of ins and outs for channels 1-8 then 9-16 so what happens with the 17-24 channels on the HD24? Do I loose these, so end up with a 16 track instead of a 24 track machine? Please please help me, it will be massively appreciated not only by me but by the que of 16 -18 year olds desperate to get their band in the studio. Thanks. Paul
Hi all I just want to follow on and expand slightly on the O1V
Hi all
I just want to follow on and expand slightly on the O1V and HD24.
I have inherited a recording studio project within a youth centre. Currently nothing has been put together but items (still boxed) where brought a couple of years ago. Two items are O1V and HD24. I recognise that a card is needed to connect the two things together using the optical. Boswell mentions the MY16-AT. This has tow sets of ins and outs for channels 1-8 then 9-16 so what happens with the 17-24 channels on the HD24? Do I loose these, so end up with a 16 track instead of a 24 track machine? Please please help me, it will be massively appreciated not only by me but by the que of 16 -18 year olds desperate to get their band in the studio. Thanks. Paul
PaulHillingdon wrote: Hi all I just want to follow on and expa
The 01V96 has an ADAT lightpipe input and output built into the main unit. These become ADAT inputs 1-8 and outputs 1-8. The MY16-AT gives you a further two lightpipe ins and two lightpipe outs. These become ADAT inputs and outputs 9-24 respectively. Note that there is also a MY8-AT card available with only one pair of lightpipe ins and outs. Don't be tempted to get that one.
You will need 6 optical cables if you don't want to keep plugging and unplugging them. One other point: you will need to enable the channel direct outs for channels 1-24 in the Patch menu. See p125 of the 01V96 manual.
Wow.. thanks for that Boswell ... I thinked you have saved my li
Wow.. thanks for that Boswell ... I thinked you have saved my life!! Paul
PaulHillingdon wrote: Wow.. thanks for that Boswell ... I thinke
No problem, Paul. You must lead a life bristling with excitement and fraught with danger at every turn.
01v96 for sure The 01v96 is a great board. I use it inside and
01v96 for sure
The 01v96 is a great board. I use it inside and outside the studio. Pick an MY16At as folks described.
I just purchased a HD24XR and a Yamaha 01v96v2 mixer with a MY16
I just purchased a HD24XR and a Yamaha 01v96v2
mixer with a MY16AT expansion board that i installed. I was hoping someone could help me with
patching the inputs and outputs because i am confused with the manual. Or if anyone has a template for this setup. I called Yamaha but they
have no tuorials on this mixer. Big mistake for me.
On the input patch for 8 input channels do i put
AD 1-8, and ADAT 1-8 for the next 8 channels
and SL 1-8 for channels 9-16, and again slot
1-8 for channels 17-24 ? I assume the slot channels
are for the My 16 AT. For the output patch do i do
Bus 1-8 2 times for the slot output patch and
Bus 1-8 for ADAT? Bus or Direct out?
I haven't even gotten in to monitoring while i record yet. I am a musician first not an egineer.
does anyone know where i could get info on this setup because the manual leaves me with more questions than answers
Boswell expalned where to plug things in further up: 1-8 on the
Boswell expalned where to plug things in further up: 1-8 on the desk then 8-16 pluse 17-24 on the card as for the set up I'm yet to recieve my card from my supplier so wont be able to help until May!!
You need to set up two basic patches, one for recording and one
You need to set up two basic patches, one for recording and one for mixdown. These can be stored and then recalled when required using the store/recall facilities.
Recording: input patching depends on your sources. For example, if you have 12 mics in the first 12 mixer channels and 16 more on a external units connected via ADAT, you would have AD 1-12 as your first 12, then the next 8 as ADAT 1 - 8 and the last 8 as SL 1 - 8. That leaves the 3rd ADAT input spare. To route to the HD24, plug the base ADAT output and the two slot expansion ADAT outputs into the 3 ADAT inputs on the HD24. Then set the direct outs for all 01V96 channels to be ADAT 1-8 and SL 1 - 16 in sequence as described on P125 of the 01V96 manual.
Mixdown: connect the HD24 ADAT outputs to the ADAT in and expansion slot ADAT ins via 3 lightpipes. Patch the inputs to be from ADAT 1 - 8 and then SL 1 - 16 in sequence. You can shuffle these about to make best use of the two channel layers on the 01V96 to minimise layer swapping.
You can expand on this basic setup to use groups and buses, and also stereo input channels for effects returns. It's really just a matter of getting your head round how the 01V96 is organised inside, and then applying that to whatever the job in hand is.
AT this very moment I am recording an orchestra with the 01V96 (
AT this very moment I am recording an orchestra with the 01V96 (using the 12 onboard analog mic pres) and an MY16At outside the studio.
I use the 8 buses + the 8 auxiliars if needed. In fact for this project I am using 4 auxliars. The other 4 are feeding 01V96 internal Efx (reverbers in fact).
Procedure is similar to what the other poster described.
To send signals to MDMs or Daws..
(in my case an Adat Bridge 24 bits)
ADAT 1-8 : bus1 bus 2-bus 3 bus 4 bus5 bus 6 bus7 bus8
SL1-8 : Aux1 Aux2 Aux3 Aux4 Aux5 Aux6 Aux7 AUX8 (if needed)
SL9-16 - not using here
To monitor Daw returns:
CHANNELS 17-24 patched as ADAT (1-8)
CHANNELS 25-32 patched as SL1-8
Thanks Boswell and Alecio that information helps. I am still usi
Thanks Boswell and Alecio that information
helps. I am still using my old mixer at this point
until as Boswell says I get my head around how this mixer works. I am not used to a digital mixer.
My previous experience was using a Tascam
388. So i am used to just flipping switches.
I didn't realize when i bought the Yamaha o1v96 v2 mixer
and HD 24 XR it would so difficult for me.
I even thought about selling it. I was hoping the manual had a better tutorial. So here i am out here
on the web searching for answers. I live in NW NJ US and i haven't run into anyone using this mixer yet where i could see this mixer in operation.
I just read up on it when i bought it and it seemed like the way to go. I hope it will make good recordings. Thanks for the info. Alecio why do you use Bus outs instead of direct outs to the HD24?
I still have to get a computer to hook this up to so i can see the screens because trying to look at that little window on the mixer is tough thanks
Hi, Fogster If we lived close to each other, I would help you a
Hi, Fogster
If we lived close to each other, I would help you a lot. In One hour you would be ready to go.
I guess the direct outs are pre-fader /pre-eq/pre-comp.
I finished the remote recording today, a total success.
fogster wrote: Alecio why do you use Bus outs instead of direct
This is down to style and preference. I do a lot of recording of live gigs for which I'm also doing the PA. I really don't want the EQ, effects, dynamics etc that are needed for the live sound to get in to the recording, so I take the direct outs (pre-EQ, pre-fader, pre-inserts) via ADAT to the HD24. At mixdown, I can apply a set of EQ, effects and dynamics that are appropriate to listening to a CD, which are usually quite different from those needed for live sound in a venue.
Others may have different preferences.
Bosswell, I was not dealing with live shows, but simple remote r
I was not dealing with live shows, but simple remote recording. I do not compress, just a little bit of Eq sometimes.
At the Studio, edit and mix tasks continue with a similar board, the 02R96 V2.
Also, due to rudimentary acoustic treatment when recording outside the studio, I would not do a radical EQ that would make me fell regretted later.
Yes, fine. That comes under the heading of "your own preferences
Yes, fine. That comes under the heading of "your own preferences". I would still recommend that you take the ADAT direct outs of the 01V96 rather than use the buses. You can patch them to be post-EQ if you prefer.
you mean less circuit path, even though the eq is bypasssed? tha
you mean less circuit path, even though the eq is bypasssed?
Yes, that's true, but not quite what I meant. If I did my record
Yes, that's true, but not quite what I meant. If I did my recordings in the way you say you patch it up, I would quickly run out of buses and auxes. Using direct outs, I can get 24 tracks to the HD24 and still have the auxes and buses for effects or foldback or whatever is needed on the night. Maybe not so important if all you are doing is recording.
sure! You have to use the same board to mix the show and tracks
You have to use the same board to mix the show and tracks the parts.
01v96 pro tools or Alesis hd24 Hi all ,I am going to attemp rec
01v96 pro tools or Alesis hd24
Hi all ,I am going to attemp recording bands ect..I just purchased a 01v96 which is killer.Digi 003r or the alesis hd24 with the fireport option.Thoughts?being the fact that pro tools is still the industry standard should i go that route or would the alesis be more stable? zoneher