24 May 2005
GDay everyone,
I just got my Sebatron VMP 4000e after saving for yonks and wondered about AKG C414 B-uls doesnt seem to put out a lot of volume...does anyone else ever get this issue? I thought it might be the settings on the back of my Digi 002R - the pro (+4 dB) or the Consumer (-10 dB) switch on the 1/4" inputs that I feed the pre through seems to make a difference, but I don't know if I'm 'meant' to use that setting for the mic. Does anyone know what to do in a situation like this?
It is likely normal. The C414B-ULS is from an old proven design
It is likely normal. The C414B-ULS is from an old proven design where the output is not nearly as hot as more modern made mics. Just turn up the gain on the mic pre, that is what it is for.