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just for example if someone programs his songs using ATARI and saves it on a disk.
could it be used on a pc with Cubase sx or REASON?
if yes then whats the method because i have tried in vain.


Kev Fri, 12/23/2005 - 11:32

Atari 520 and 1040st ??
... that will test my memory banks.

format the floppy on a PC and I think the Atari can talk to it ... needs to be a 520K format ... wow ... I think that was it

the save midi file as song.mid

format 0 or 1 midi will probably be read by Reason or any of the late model sequencers, PT, Cubase etc

not sure how much of the Patch info will come across intact so do take manual notes of this sort of stuff while you have the song open on the Atari


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