Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone knows an alternative to Beat Detective, something that I can use within Adobe Audition or something similar, outside of Digidesign's realm.
I'd appreciate any ideas!
I did try Melodyne's program but there wasn't any literature I c
I did try Melodyne's program but there wasn't any literature I could find on it to help me make the damn thing work! I would get the notes converted to midi and then when I would try to fix things, no dice! I'll check out Sonar 6, and if I figure it out I'll definatly buy it, thanks!
Audio Snap will quantize the wave files, so there's no need to c
Audio Snap will quantize the wave files, so there's no need to convert to midi. It's pretty intuitive......you chooose a reference track to be your tempo map, map it and then select the other tracks you want to snap to the map. I've only used it on individual tracks, and I read on the Sonar forum that if you try to handle large batches of files simultaneously, you're in for some glitches. Best to work on a few at a time and bounce.
I'm only asking because I just got done recording a massive deat
I'm only asking because I just got done recording a massive death metal drumkit (209bpm 16th note rolls etc) that id like to clean up a bit!