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The Bucks Media Centre 2011 Summer Schools are being run at The Gateway Building of Bucks New University at the campus in High Wycombe Town Centre. Only 30mins from London by rail or car the Bucks Media Centreis an ideal location for professionals and interested amateurs to receive high quality training in top-quality professional studio environments. Click to downlad the Bucks Media Centre facilities brochure.


Whatever your audio and musical interests, a personal understanding of the process and technology of recording is crucial for a successful career. This summer course gives you a step-by-step guide to the recording process in the first class professional studios at the Gateway Building of Bucks New University in High Wycombe. With expert tuition from audio and musical professionals you will benefit from hands on experience and detailed demonstrations that you can apply in a variety of settings as your career develops.


This 5 day intensive course concentrates on audio engineering for music events and will introduce you to all the technology and production skills required to work as either a ‘Front of House’ or Monitor sound engineer. You will be rigging and operating our industry standard Dynacord/ Electro-Voice sound system and Midas Verona/Sienna consoles and participating in seminars designed to give you a solid foundation of the practical and technical knowledge needed to work at live events. The culmination of the course will include practical assessments designed to test your skills development, with the chance to rig and engineer for a live band in the University's ‘The White Room’ venue on the Wycombe Campus.

Find out more here: http://makingbucks…"]Bucks Media Centre - Making Bucks[/]="http://makingbucks…"]Bucks Media Centre - Making Bucks[/]


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