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If you'd like. I need some suggestions on this. This band is my old band that I recently started recording and I want some opinions on what to do in the mix...this one is really rough. Ignore the beginning and a part that mimics the beginning near the end of the song. That is still a work in progress. Also, the reverb that you hear on the snare will be cut back a lot! We used great guitars, amps, and triggered half of the kit. I put about an hour into this so far, and I'm having brain farts on how to get this to come together nicer. Any ideas would be great? There is only compression on the bass, reverb on the snare, and I cut some low end from the bass and kick. This is pretty dry!


anonymous Mon, 11/01/2004 - 00:58

Did you use room mics on the drums? The drum sounds do not blend well IMO, I think you need something to "glue" them together. Plus, the drums could be a bit wider in the stereo image.

[Update: I've just noticed that you said you "triggered half of the kit", so you probably weren't looking for that live drum sound anyway.]


Ignore the beginning and a part that mimics the beginning near the end of the song. That is still a work in progress.

Sounds like you're aiming for what Eric Valentine did as an intro on "Songs for the Deaf" by the Queens of the Stone Age...

inLoco Mon, 11/01/2004 - 05:58

ok here goes what i think... (i'm frontal but don't want to be rude...)

1st - i think the intro guitar on the right is missing it's tempo and their both a bit of low end...

2nd - think the change is abismal! the intro guitars are so down and then bang... it's too much...

3rd - where is the bass??? can't hear it! one band i'd suggest you to hear is velvet revolver! check them out and see where the bass lays

4th - on the main guitar riff i wouldn't double the guitars! i'd play them twice

5th - the song ends a bit strange... maybe put one crazy guitar effect or something...

but overall it's a nice tune on that music category

anonymous Mon, 11/01/2004 - 09:43

Bring the bass up in the mix and seperating it a little so you get the low end as well as the punch in the bass lines.

Also, I happen to like the drums, but they need a little bit of meat. They cut through just fine but need some muscle. Maybe some Eq ?

Both of these should help glue the whole thing together...

Overall, not bad !

therecordingart Mon, 11/01/2004 - 19:33

Guitars - There are actually six guitar tracks there....2 Boogies, 2 JCM 800's, and 2 Vox.

Drums/ bass -I agree....but if you listen to this on subs the low low end (40hz?) hits way tooo hard and I've already cut out a lot. It still kills my trunk(because there are subs in it). What range should I boost in the bass to give more separation/punch?

These tracks are being used so they can find a singer...a little bit of a rush job...but I still want it to sound good!

Thank you much for the comments guys.

Davedog Mon, 11/01/2004 - 21:28

The bass notes are lacking considerably...hearing it on subs isnt going to give you a true picture of its reality...a boombox works much better for that. Find the songs key...boost its fundamental a bit see the bass grow...the drums are too up front but maybe its just a matter of balance more than anything else....the into section needs to be that 'quietly loud' kinda thing in order to sit better in the sceme of things. Spread the guitars a bit more to get more pallette and stereo width...effect one pair of them in a sub and give it its own space.....youre really on the way there...

anonymous Tue, 11/02/2004 - 01:17

Ehum.... sounds a bit as the version you give the drummer after he recorded his part, to make him hear his drums real well, with no bass. :)
Not trying to jump on you here, but I think you should check your monitoring a bit.
IMO the guitars need more deeper body, the drums need to blend in a bit more, and the bass... well it needs to get in the game.

Suggestion for the intro: put the intro sounds through a MF EQ to make it sound as a small transistor radio, all in mono, then explode the drums and rest of the song in stereo and full bandwidth.