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cheap console... Ramsa? Soundtracs?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hey all, wonering if you all could hip me to some info on the Ramsa WR-t820 desk.

I heard they (Ramsas in gerneral) are pretty cool for the price, any one have any comments?

I've been looking at the older soundcrafts (6000, 1600 etc) and Soundtracs Topaz desks as well.

Would these be good value for having a bunch of pres and eq's? ( i want to have a console for monitoring and maybe mixing out of ythe box)

So what do yall think?




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hey dave.....i was lucky enough to just purchase a ramsa wr-t820b for pretty much rock bottom price. everything works in it fine, and, its pretty awesome for what i paid.

I had been using one in another studio for a couple of years, and, my friend has never had a problem with his, and, has gotten some really decent results, without using much other gear really.

I have gotten mine now, and, i have to say i love it. try to find one and go with that.

Fri, 02/17/2006 - 12:40 Permalink
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I agree 100%...I have owned and worked with several RAMSAs...they are awesome in reliability and sonic performance...think HEADROOM!

Try to stay away from the really old Soundcrafts (I've owned those,too). They don't age nearly as well, and always seem to have some sort of issue at the power supply or with switches/pots,etc. There are some "deals" on those out there, but "buyer beware"!!!

Limited exposure to the Soundtracs, and while they do have their fans, they are NO RAMSA!!!

Fri, 02/17/2006 - 14:11 Permalink